Turizmas Lietuvoje. Pokyčiai ir perspektyvos besikeičiančiame pasaulyje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Turizmas Lietuvoje. Pokyčiai ir perspektyvos besikeičiančiame pasaulyje
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras, 2023.
286 p
Apie autorius — 1. Įvadas: 1.1. Turizmo sektorius pandemijos metu; 1.2. Pandemijos įtakos turizmui tyrimų apžvalga; 1.3. Šios studijos tikslai; 1.4. Tyrimo aktualumas; 1.5. Tyrimo metodai — 2. Lietuvos turizmo sektoriaus apžvalga: 2.1. Bendrieji raidos dėsningumai, turistų srautai; 2.2. Apgyvendinimo sektoriaus raida; 2.3. Apgyvendinimo sektoriaus teritoriniai ypatumai; 2.4. Turizmo verslo įmonių kaitos tendencijos — 3. Lietuvos turizmas COVID-19 pandemijos metu: 3.1. Pandemijos įtaka Lietuvos turizmo sektoriui; 3.2. Situacijos vertinimas ir organizaciniai pokyčiai; 3.3. Turizmo sektoriaus prisitaikymas; 3.4. Nauji turizmo produktai ir paslaugos; 3.5. Turistų elgesio pokyčiai; 3.6. Vietinis turizmas: regioniniai skirtumai ir tendencijos; 3.7. Valstybės paramos programos turizmo sektoriui; 3.8. Valstybės paramos rezultatai ir jos vertinimas — 4. Turizmo ateities iššūkiai ir perspek tyvos: 4.1. Turizmo pokyčių kryptys; 4.2. Socialiniai pokyčiai ir bendruomenių įsitraukimas; 4.3. Individualios ar organizuotos kelionės?; 4.4. Turizmo inovacijos; 4.5. Klimato kaita ir turizmo tvarumas — 5. Ateities turizmo modeliai: 5.1. Turizmo atsparumas iššūkiams; 5.2. Atsinaujinęs turizmas; 5.3. RegTour turizmo modelis — Apibendrinimas — Rekomendacijos ir pasiūlymai — Literatūra — Summary — Priedai.
Summary / Abstract:

LTTurizmas visame pasaulyje tapo vienas iš labiausiai COVID-19 pandemijos paveiktų sektorių. Šioje studijoje pristatoma pandemijos įtaka Lietuvos turizmui, analizuojami turizmo ateities iššūkiai ir perspektyvos, siūlomas ateities turizmo verslo modelis. Studijoje pateikiama Lietuvos turizmo sektoriaus apžvalga, atskleidžiamas vietinio turizmo potencialas, didelis dėmesys skiriamas socialiniams, aplinkos ir technologiniams pokyčiams. Analizuojamos technologinės ir netechnologinės inovacijos, turistų elgesio pokyčiai, naujos paslaugos ir produktai. Studijoje pateikiami mokslinio tyrimo rezultatai rodo turizmo atsparumo svarbą. Pandemija buvo ypač palankus metas diegti naujas paslaugas ir turizmo produktus, taikyti inovacijas ir naujas verslo formas. Knygoje turizmo ateities scenarijai siejami su vietinio turizmo plėtra, bendradarbiavimo tarp valstybės ir savivaldybės institucijų, turizmo verslo ir vietos bendruomenių stiprinimu, prisitaikymu prie klimato kaitos ir jos pasekmių švelninimu. Studijos autoriai teigia, kad tvariomis ir inovatyviomis idėjomis grįstas ir socialiai atsakingas ateities turizmas bus labiau pasirengęs įveikti įvairius globalius ir nacionalinius iššūkius. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThis scientific study presents the results of the project ‘Transformations and perspectives of the tourism sector after the COVID 19 pandemic.’ The project was carried out from October 2021 to September 2023 by the Regional and Urban Studies Department of the Institute of Sociology at the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. This project has received funding from European Regional Development Fund (project No 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0057) under a grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). The aim of this project was to analyse the challenges faced by the Lithuanian tourism sector due to the COVID-19 virus and to explore the sector’s resilience to potential future crises. The objectives of the project were to analyse the opportunities of the local and inbound tourism sector after the COVID-19 pandemic and to propose innovative forms of activity in the tourism sector related to new technologies, services and products, taking into account global trends and national challenges. The project was relevant both for assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector and for proposing new business models and other business opportunities in a changing social environment. The researchers involved in the project were Darius Liutikas (project leader), Gintarė Pociūtė-Sereikienė, Viktorija Baranauskienė, Edis Kriaučiūnas, and Donatas Burneika, all of whom are members of the Department of Regional and Urban Studies at the Institute of Sociology within the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences.The research was based on the assessment of primary research data that was collected during the in-depth questionaries and the focus group discussion of tourism experts located in different Lithuanian cities and regions. The research was carried out in the first half of 2022. The questionnaire survey involved destination managers – state tourism institutions (Tourist Information Centres in regions– TICs (hereinafter)) and different types of tourism business enterprises (tour operators, specialized guides, walking / bike-riding / boating tours organizers, etc.), working in the field of inbound and local tourism. The questioners and the focus group discussion were based on the same question groups to collect the widest possible range of views and opinions from different tourism experts on similar issues. The questions were structured into five main groups: general evaluation of the situation, state (governmental) aid, innovations, local tourism and regions, sustainability, and climate change. In total 95 (sample size) questionnaires were sent to eligible tourism enterprises and 57 (sample size) questionnaires were sent to state tourism institutions, located in different Lithuanian cities and regions. As a final sample, 50 TICs and 52 tourism business enterprises’ completed questionnaires were received, compiled in SPSS spreadsheets, and analysed. Additionally, two focus discussions – one of 30 TICs specialists and another of 10 tourism business experts – were organized, and the received participants’ statements were examined.The COVID-19 pandemic has once again exposed the tourism sector’s greatest vulnerabilities. However, it has also unveiled new opportunities for adaptation, crisis resolution, and expansion. The COVID-19 pandemic encouraged the transformation of tourism strategies and tourism models. The research focused on the entities involved in regional tourism destinations in Lithuania, encompassing destination managers and tourism businesses. This research helped to emphasize important elements of the „new tourism” model such as innovation, education, and sustainable business development, and steps to achieve new added value in tourism. Particular attention was given to both technological and non-technological innovations, new services, and products offered to Lithuanian tourists in response to the changing social and operational landscape. [...]. [From the publication]

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