Žalingos alkoholio vartojimo praktikos Lietuvoje: socialinis kontekstas ir vyrų patirtys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žalingos alkoholio vartojimo praktikos Lietuvoje: socialinis kontekstas ir vyrų patirtys
Alternative Title:
Binge drinking in Lithuania: social context and personal expriences of men
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2023.
188 p
Pratarmė — Įvadas — 1. Sveikatos nelygybė, alkoholio vartojimo kultūra ir P. Bourdieu socialinės praktikos teorija: 1.1. Kapitalas kaip sveikatos išteklius; 1.2. Socialinė erdvė ir sveikata; 1.3. P. Bourdieu teorinės prieigos taikymas sveikatos sociologijos Tyrimuose; 1.4. Lietuvos vyrų sveikatos nelygybės ir alkoholio vartojimo tyrimų Problematyka — 2. Tyrimo modelis ir metodai: 2.1. P. Bourdieu socialinės praktikos teorija kaip tyrimo prieiga; 2.2. Tyrimo duomenys ir metodai — 3. Alkoholio vartojimo kultūra ir praktikos: 3.1. Pirmieji kartai ir alkoholio vartojimo normalizavimas; 3.2. Pagirios ir alkoholio vartojimas darbe; 3.3. Alkoholis, lytis ir normatyvinis vyriškumas — 4. Kritiniai gyvenimo įvykiai ir alkoholis: 4.1. Kritinis gyvenimo įvykis kaip psichosocialinio streso šaltinis; 4.2. Alkoholis kaip kritinių gyvenimo įvykių katalizatorius: „kai užgeri, viskas vienodai pasidaro“; 4.3. Žalingo alkoholio vartojimo ir benamystės patirtys — 5. Alkoholis, nusikaltimai ir socialinė kontrolė: 5.1. Nusikaltimai ir alkoholio vartojimas; 5.2. Socialinė kontrolė ir baudimo kultūra: „visi turi sėdėt“; 5.3. Dramatiškos priklausomybės ir kriminalų patirtys — 6. Sveikata ir alkoholio vartojimas: 6.1. Alkoholio vartojimas ir sveikatos nelygybė; 6.2. Alkoholio vartojimo pasekmės vyrų sveikatai; 6.3. Pagirios ir „sveikatos taisymas“; 6.4. Prarasta sveikata ir neviltis — 7. Alkoholis ir psichikos sveikata: 7.1. Psichosocialinis stresas: „jaučiu įtampą, žinau vaistus“; 7.2. Alkoholis, savižudybės ir psichikos sveikatos sistemos iššūkiai — 8. Priklausomybės nuo alkoholio gydymas ir reintegracja: 8.1. Biomedicininis požiūris į priklausomybių gydymą; 8.2. Paslaugų prieinamumo problema; 8.3. Stigmatizacija — Apibendrinimas — Summary — Literatūra — Priedai.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje „Žalingos alkoholio vartojimo praktikos Lietuvoje: socialinis kontekstas ir vyrų patirtys“ pristatytas kokybinis tyrimas apie žalingą alkoholio vartojimo kultūrą ir jos pasekmes Lietuvoje. Monografijoje atsispindi du skirtingų mokslų požiūriai į nagrinėjamą vyrų alkoholio vartojimo problemą. Vienas požiūris yra sociologinis, juo remiantys vyrų gyvenimo istorijomis ir ekspertų įžvalgomis pasakojama kaip susiformuoja žalingos alkoholio vartojimo praktikos. Kitas požiūris yra visuomenės sveikatos. Juo remiantis yra analizuojami reprezentatyvūs kitų tyrimų duomenys apie alkoholio vartojimo žalą Lietuvoje. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe aim of this study is to reveal the internalization process of binge drinking culture in Lithuania. The theoretical model of this study is based on P. Bourdieu theory of practice. This model allows to analyse the internalization and reproduction of binge drinking culture. The study attempts to answer the following questions: How do early start of alcohol use, alcohol normalization, and the masculinity are related to binge drinking culture? How do socioeconomic status is related to internalization of health damaging binge drinking culture? What is the link between critical life events in men life and alcohol abuse? Why do binge drinking practices are accepted but alcohol dependent persons are stigmatized in Lithuanian society? What is the link between the binge drinking culture and the culture of punishment? How do binge drinking culture is related to public mental health and suicide epidemic in Lithuania? The theoretical framework of this research is based on Bourdieu’s theory of practice (1972; 1984). The theory of practice consists of three major elements: field, capital and habitus. According to P. Bourdieu, individuals (or agents) act in a social space that is subdivided into different social fields (intellectual field, cultural field, academic field, etc.). The individual’s position in a social field depends on his capital and habitus. P. Bourdieu (1986) distinguishes four types of capital, namely economic (financial resources, real estate, etc.), cultural (education, cultural norms, etc.), social (social relationships), and symbolic capital. Different forms of capital may have different values depending on the field the individual is acting in. The capital which is the most valuable or the most powerful in a particular field becomes the symbolic capital of that field. The most important concept of Bourdieu’s theory is habitus.It may be defined as a system of internalized experiences of the social world, which organizes social practices (Bourdieu 1984, 170; Korp 2010, 805). Bourdieu highlights the ambivalence of habitus. On the one hand, habitus is the result of social structures; on the other hand, it also determines practices and reproduces social fields (Bourdieu 1984; Walther 2013). Health field is interpreted as a social sphere where men from different socioeconomic groups with a different alcohol drinking habitus and a certain amount of capital are trying to ensure good health. In other words, men’s health field is serving as an arena of health related practices such as binge drinking. It can be assumed that different socioeconomic positions are related to different forms of capital. The analysis of health-damaging alcohol drinking habitus is based on men’s biographical narrative analysis, which reveals the effect of internalized alcohol drinking culture on health-damaging practices. To sum up, the weak position in the social health field and health-damaging alcohol drinking habitus determines binge drinking practices which lead to the poor health and a high premature mortality risk. Data for this study was collected during semi-structured interviews with middle-aged heavy drinking men (N=22) and professionals (N=11) working in the fields related to alcohol problems. Respondents were selected purposively. Interviews were conducted in 2018-2019 in Lithuania. Average duration of the interview with was 47 minutes (from 27 to 102 min.). All interviews were recorded and transcribed. Respondents, in order to protect their confidentiality, were assigned a special code and a nickname.The narrative analysis of the semi-structured interview revealed the effect of negative emotions, such as indifference, shame, desperation, and fear of loneliness, on health-damaging practices. Men from lower socioeconomic status felt indifferent to their lifes, they were paying little to no attention to their material welfare, finances, and health. Some men were suffering from the shame they felt about their socioeconomic status, loss of property, ruined families, abandoned children, and unfulfilled expectations. The narratives related to personal finances, future prospects, and the macro-economic situation contained evident features of desperation. Thus, it could be stated that health-damaging drinking practices were reproduced by health-damaging habitus of low socioeconomic status men. The results of qualitative semi-structured interviews with heavy drinkers revealed the importance of critical events to their lifes. On one hand, stressful life events such as divorce, job loss or death of beloved person increased alcohol consumption. Middle-aged men were drinking alcohol in response to psychosocial stress. On the other hand, such life events as divorce or job loss were related to binge drinking. The loss of a family was a consequence of heavy alcohol use or domestic violence. [From the publication]

9786094675676; 9786094675683
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