Etniškumo ir religijos sąsajų konstravimas Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje rusų ir lenkų kalba

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Etniškumo ir religijos sąsajų konstravimas Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje rusų ir lenkų kalba
Alternative Title:
Construction of links between ethnicity and religion in Russian and Polish media in Lithuania
In the Journal:
2.1. Žiniasklaidos tyrimo metodologija — 2.2. Žiniasklaidos priemonių rusų ir lenkų kalba spektras 1990–2020 m.: raida ir santykis su religine tematika — 2.3. Etniškumo ir religijos sąsajos spaudos diskursuose: kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai — 2.3.1. Dvasiniai ir pasaulietiniai lyderiai: vaidmuo ir vaizdavimas — 2.3.2. Etninės tapatybės konstravimas ir religinės organizacijos — 2.3.3. Istoriniai veikėjai, šventos vietos ir ryšiai su istorine tėvyne.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame skyriuje Lietuvos žiniasklaida rusų ir lenkų kalba vertinama kaip svarbus informacijos apie etninių ir religinių mažumų grupių tapatybę šaltinis ir kaip viena iš šią tapatybę konstruojančių institucijų. Siekiant atskleisti šį žiniasklaidos vaidmenį įvairiuose istorinės ir socialinės valstybės raidos kontekstuose, toliau aptariamos svarbiausios Lietuvos žiniasklaidos priemonių rusų bei lenkų kalba spektro kaitos ir santykio su religine tematika 1990–2020 m. tendencijos ir apibendrinami kokybinio 1990–1992 ir 2018–2020 m. spaudos tyrimo duomenys. Ieškant atsakymų į klausimus, ar šiose Lietuvos žiniasklaidos priemonėse religija yra laikoma reikšminga rusų ir lenkų etninės tapatybės kategorija, ar ir kaip skiriasi religinės dimensijos reikšmė šiose priemonėse lyginant SSRS žlugimo bei Sąjūdžio laikotarpį ir pastarųjų kelerių metų aktualijas, atsižvelgiama į tai, kad krikščionybė iš esmės yra universali religija. Juolab kad daugelį metų Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse plėtojama ekumeninė veikla, skatinanti skirtingų šakų krikščionių bažnyčių suartėjimą vertybiniais klausimais, šiame procese nesureikšminant etninio veiksnio. Kita vertus, pripažįstama, kad krikščionių bažnyčių bendruomenėms Lietuvoje kartais stinga žinių viena apie kitą, o visuomenės nuostatoms religinių bendruomenių atžvilgiu turi įtakos istoriškai susiformavę stereotipai (Sungaila 2021). Šiame skyriuje etniškumo ir religijos sąsajos žiniasklaidoje rusų ir lenkų kalba atskleidžiamos analizuojant etninių ir religinių mažumų grupių (rusų stačiatikių ir lenkų katalikų) tapatybę lemiančius vietinio ir regioninio lygmens kalbinius, istorinius, socialinius bei kultūrinius veiksnius. [Iš straipsnio, p. 45]

ENIn the second chapter “The construction of links between ethnicity and religion in Russian and Polish media in Lithuania”, Andrius Marcinkevičius reveals that changes in the spectrum of media between 1990 and 2020 had different effects on the dissemination of ethnicity and religious themes. During this period, religion remained a prominent topic in a range of Polish-language media (print media, online newspapers, TV and radio programmes), while the Russian-language media spectrum underwent a radical transformation over the course of the three decades. One of the most important consequences of this transformation has been the decline in the focus on religious issues in the secular media and the corresponding emergence of an independent Orthodox media. Qualitative analysis of the content of Russian and Polish language press publications shows that themes related to ethnicity and religion were particularly relevant in the period of 1990–1992. During this time, the collapse of the communist system in the Soviet Union created favourable conditions for the return to the public discourse knowledge about history, culture, religious traditions and the sacred heritage of Russian, Polish and other ethnic minority groups. This is due to the affirmation of an independent press that sought to impart this kind of ethnic knowledge to its viewers after the long period of censorship and atheistic ideology. It should be noted that independent journalists, the intelligentsia of ethnic minority groups, representatives of Russian and Polish public organisations, and Orthodox and Catholic clergy became active participants in this process and the creators of press content. They researched historical sources (archival documents, press and literature of different historical periods, etc.), collected accounts of living witnesses of historical events, and raised to public importance issues related to the preservation an.During the 1990–1992 period, all information on the religious identity of Russian and Polish ethnic groups was placed in and promotion of the identity of ethnic and religious minority groups. secular publications, including newspapers of the Lithuanian Communist Party after it had changed its ideological orientation. When discussing the links between ethnicity and religion, the results of the study revealed that the dissemination of information about Orthodoxy and the cultural heritage of the Orthodox Church in Lithuania in the Russian-language press was mostly associated with the clergy’s intention to unite, on the basis of Christian values, not necessarily the ethnic Russians, but the believers of various nationalities (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian, etc.) who were familiar to Russian language and Russian culture. In the period of 1990–1992, Orthodoxy was seen by these clergy as a possible alternative to an identity influenced by Soviet ideology. At the same time, it was concluded that the majority of Russian believers were not inclined to support this view. On the other hand, the Russian language and Russian culture continue to remain a key element of Orthodox identity. This is also due to the historically close ties of the Orthodox Church in Lithuania with the Russian Orthodox Church and also with the Moscow Patriarchate. Our qualitative content analysis of Russian-language press publications revealed that, at the beginning of the 21th century, the Orthodox Church in Lithuania started to use the Lithuanian language in its religious practice due to the linguistic assimilation of some of the members of the community. It should be noted that this trend is only relevant for a small circle of believers — those who do not understand the Old Church Slavonic and Russian languages – and they have no impact on the dominant status of the Russian language.It is important to add that between 1990–1992 and later 2018–2020, the Russian-language press devoted considerable attention to the topic of ecumenical cooperation, perceiving it as an important condition for the integration of the members of the Orthodox community into Lithuanian society. Meanwhile, our qualitative analysis of Polish-language newspapers and magazines revealed that drawing links between ethnicity and religion was more frequent in the Polish press than in the Russian-language press. The content analysis showed that access to services in the native language is important to Poles. The Polish language publications between 1990–1992 and 2018–2020 emphasized information on clergy and public figures of Polish origin living in Vilnius and south eastern Lithuania. The Polish-language press also paid attention to the relation between Poles living in Lithuania and their Polish compatriots and representatives of the Polish diaspora around the world. The religious aspect of these relations is important as it speaks to the joint participation in services, pilgrimages, cultural events, etc that arise on a global rather than local or national scale. One of the most striking manifestations of cooperation with Poland, is the establishment of the Hospice of Father Mykolas Sopočka in Vilnius, whose activities are widely covered in the Polish language press in Lithuania. In addition, a particular highlight of the Polish-language press was the publication of various materials on the Polish-born Pope John Paul II, including his personality, activities and significance for Polish ethnic identity. On the other hand, the publications also emphasize the role of this eminent clergyman as a connecting link between the Polish and Lithuanian nations, and his exceptional support for Lithuania and the Lithuanian Catholic community on the road to liberation from the Soviet occupation and the restoration of independence. [From the publication p. 228-230]

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2024-10-21 20:08:54
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