"Aušros" politinių siekių kontekstai: apie Jono Basanavičiaus ir Georgo Sauerweino bei Olgos Novikovos ir Williamo Gladstono diskursų sankirtas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Aušros" politinių siekių kontekstai: apie Jono Basanavičiaus ir Georgo Sauerweino bei Olgos Novikovos ir Williamo Gladstono diskursų sankirtas
Alternative Title:
On the context of the political aspirations of the "Aušra": the intersections of the Basanavičius-Sauerwein and Novikova-Gladstone discourses
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2023, 2023/2, p. 25-53
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pirmojo lietuviško visuomeninio-politinio laikraščio „Aušra“ genezė siejama su Rytų krize (1876–1878). „Aušros“ politiniai siekiai verifikuojami Rusijos ir Anglijos (Olgos Novikovos ir Williamo Gladstono) diskurso kontekste. RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Demokratizacija, Berlyno kongreso sistema, panslavizmas, liberalizmas, Katalikų bažnyčia, etnografinis principas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe analysis of discourse of Olga Novikova and William Gladstone allows stating that the intersection of the interests of Russia and England in Bulgaria during the Eastern crisis had an analogous effect on the political aspirations of the Aušra (Auszra, ‘dawn’). In the most general sense, that effect was caused by geopolitical logic, which was expressed by the intersection of the concepts of pan-Slavism and liberalism. In particular, that junction served as an impulse for the contributors to the Aušra to seek the liberalisation of education (abolition of the ban on the Latin characters), laid the foundations for the project of Lithuanian national revival based on the ethnographic principle, promoted political practice in the fight against Polonisation, Germanisation, and Russification, and provided the prerequisites for modern secularisation. The intersection of pan-Slavism and liberalism manifested itself mechanically, without consolidation, and even without overlapping manifestations. The alliance actually worked positively only during the rising stage of the Eastern crisis, when the policies of the states were determined by public opinion, and the general field of democratisation was expanding. However, when the crisis reached its apogee, which was formalised by the decisions of the Berlin Congress, the imperialist and nationalist tendencies of the great powers regained the initiative.The Aušra was established under the effective functioning of the Berlin Congress system, and this decided its fate. The primary goal of the Aušra – the lifting of the ban on the Lithuanian press – was not achieved, and the promotion of the strategic aspirations of the Aušra did not receive the necessary response from the Lithuanian people. However, the projection of the statehood in the Lithuanian ethnographic territory put forward by the Aušra preserved the perspective. KEYWORDS: democratisation; Berlin Congress system; pan-Slavism; liberalism; the Catholic Church; ethnographic principle. [From the publication]

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