Atvejo vadybininkų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo stiprinimo galimybės

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Atvejo vadybininkų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo stiprinimo galimybės
Alternative Title:
Opportunities for strengthening collaboration between case managers and social workers
In the Journal:
Social inquiry into well-being [Socialinės gerovės tyrimai]. 2024, 22, 1, p. 72-86
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas – atskleisti atvejo vadybininkų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavi mo stiprinimo galimybes remiantis atvejo vadybininkų patirtimi. Probleminis klausimas: kas stiprina atvejo vadybininko ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimą? Tyrimo duomenys buvo surinkti pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodu. Tyrimo duomenys buvo apdoroti pasitelkus kokybinę turinio (content) analizę, išskiriant temas ir potemes, priskiriant patvirtinančius teiginius. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai vėliau buvo interpretuojami ir analizuojami, siejami su kitų autorių mokslinėmis įžvalgomis. Tyrimu atskleista, kad atvejo vadybininko ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo stiprinimo galimybės siejamos su jų kompetencijų stiprinimu ir jų bendradarbiavimo būdais. Minėtų specialistų kompetencijų stiprinimas siejama su kvalifikacijos mokymais skatinant jų domėjimąsi ne tik siaura darbo sritimi, bet ir gilinantis į su veikla susijusių teisės aktų reglamentavimą. Prie bendradarbiavimo stiprinimo prisideda atvejo vadybininko ir socialinio darbuotojo dalijimasis patirtimi su kolegomis, kai aptariami svarbūs jų veiklos aspektai, taip praplečiant turimas profesines žinias ir praktikoje taikomus metodus. Atvejo vadybininkui ir socialiniam darbuotojui reikšminga yra pagalba vienas kitam kaip tarpusavio sąveikos ir komunikacijos išraiška, kurioje labai svarbus palaikymas, parama, atvirumas. Be to, šių specialistų kompetencijų tobulinimas taip pat gali tapti bendradarbiavimo stiprinimo galimybe, kadangi turimos kompetencijos daro įtaką tvirtai jų pozicijai ir gebėjimui atstovauti vaikui, šeimai ir apginti jų poziciją. Atvejo vadybininko ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo stiprinimo galimybės siejamos ir su susirinkimų organizavimu, įsitraukimu, jų bendru darbu teikiant paslaugas.Susirinkimuose, kuriuose jie išsako savo poziciją, analizuojamos probleminės situacijos, galimi sprendimo būdai, numatomas veiksmų planas, sustiprinamas jų sklandus darbas ir padedama užtikrinti vaiko teises. Atvejo vadybininko ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimas neįsivaizduojamas be aktyvaus jų įsitraukimo, kai kartu bendradarbiaujant kryptingai siekiama bendro tikslo, o bendras darbas siejamas su veikimu kartu derinant veiksmus, susitariant dėl tolimesnių veiksmų ir pasidalijant atsakomybe. Reikšminiai žodžiai: atvejo vadybininkas; bendradarbiavimas; galimybės; socialinis darbuotojas; bendradarbiavimo stiprinimas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article analyses opportunities for strengthening collaboration between case managers and social workers based on the experiences of case managers. The Description of the Case Managements Procedure approved by the order of the Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania dated 29 March 2018, established the guidelines for the application of the case management method in the field of family assistance and defined the new duties of the case manager and the social worker. A successful and smooth process of family assistance is the goal of every case manager and social worker; thus, close collaboration between the case manager and the social worker is the cornerstone of the organisation of complex services for the family and the child. Close collaboration is necessary in the provision of assistance to the child and family; however, specialists working in the social field often face unnoticed, hard-to-assess and unpredictable results, thus they encounter many challenges. There are also difficulties in collaboration when the case manager aids the child and the family together with the social worker, while the opportunity for overcoming them becomes important and significant in order to reduce the possibility of these specialists suffering burnout and to strengthen their motivation. The research object concerns the opportunities for strengthening collaboration between the case manager and the social worker. The aim of the research is to reveal opportunities for strengthening collaboration between the case manager and the social worker based on case managers’ experiences. The problematic question is as follows: What strengthens collaboration between the case manager and the social worker? The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature and legal acts, generalisation method, qualitative research, and semi-structured interview.The sample of the research participants was formed by purposive sampling using the criterion sampling method, in which the research elements are selected in accordance with the established criteria. Research participants were selected according to the following criteria: 1) case managers who work in X institutions, provide case management services, and, together with social workers, organise the assistance process for families experiencing social risks; and 2) 2 years’ experience in the field of case management. The research was organised in November and December 2022; in total, 7 case managers who met all of the above criteria participated in the research. Research data were processed using qualitative content analysis, which was carried out following the inductive logic of building topics and sub-topics based on the research data. Research data were analysed in accordance with the following sequence: repeated reading of transcribed interview texts and reconsideration, data coding by identifying meaningful elements in the text, grouping of codes into sub-topics by assigning confirming statements, and distinguishing topics from sub-topics. Later, when interpreting and analysing research results, they were related to the scientific insights of other authors. In order to ensure research ethics, this research is based on the principles of: respect for the person’s voluntary participation in the study; providing information about the research; familiarisation with the aim of the research, the method of collecting data and the research procedure; benevolence; the intention not to harm the respondent; and confidentiality and anonymity. Research participants were informed about the aim of the research and its compliance with the principles of research ethics. All participants participated in the research voluntarily, as each had the option to refuse to participate in the interview or withdraw from the research at any time.All research participants were informed about the study confidentiality and the assurance of their anonymity. During the organisation of qualitative research interviews, efforts were made to create a safe, calm environment in which research participants could communicate openly and honestly. Anonymity was preserved by coding the responses of each research participant. Case managers’ responses were coded with the letters AV. During the research, the principle of tolerance was observed: each research participant was respected for their opinion, position on certain issues, experiences and feelings, and prejudices or evaluations were avoided. When analysing research results, the characteristics of the research participants are presented in general, ensuring that no personal information that might allow the identification of a specific participant is provided and research participants’ anonymity and confidentiality are ensured. To avoid the disclosure of personally identifiable information, the names of the research participants were coded using the letters AV and a number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The coded data of all research participants are available only to the researchers. Empirical research has shown that strengthening the case manager and social worker’s competencies and ways of their cooperation are related to strengthening cooperation opportunities. Strengthening the competences of the case manager and the social worker is associated with qualification training by promoting the development of solutions to their professional problems, strengthening these abilities, deepening the understanding of the regulations of legal acts related to their activity, and fostering their knowledge and their ability in practical activity. [...] Keywords: case manager; collaboration; social worker; strengthening collaboration possibilities. [From the publication]

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