Development of functional mathematical literacy of pupils with moderate special educational needs

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Development of functional mathematical literacy of pupils with moderate special educational needs
In the Journal:
Social welfare: interdisciplinary approach. 2014, Vol. 4(1), p. 96-108
Summary / Abstract:

ENThere are still numerous discussions in Lithuania as to what modern mathematical education should be like, what would be the best way to reform it and how to develop pupils’ mathematical literacy in different stages of education. The scientifc literature analysis enables to state that purposeful and tantamount cooperation between all participants of special education, involvement of pupils with moderate SEN of senior forms in general class activities, and development of educational interaction and system, which empower (self-)development of functional mathematical literacy, are still missing in the practice of Lithuanian mainstream schools. Aim ofthe research: applying action research method, to analyse the measurements of participants of the (self-)educational process and, based on them, to disclose possibilities of developing functional mathematical literacy of pupils withmoderate SEN in themainstreamschool, grounded on the approaches and ideas of pragmatism, social constructivism, social participation and empowerment theories. Object of the research: development of functional mathematical literacy of pupils with moderate SEN in the mainstream school. The action research was attended by 3 eighth form pupils with moderate SEN, 3 parents of these pupils, 4 teachers of mathematics and 2 special educators. In the process of initiating changes in (self-)education of mathematics, designing the system of functional mathematical literacy development for pupils with moderate SEN (foreseeing activities, measures, methods and measuring their effectiveness), action research was applied. Planning this research, foreseeing activities, factors discovered in previous stages of the research, related to the conception of functional mathematical literacy, manifestation of abilities and educational situation while meeting SEN in the mainstream school, were considered.Designing the model of functional mathematical literacy development of pupils with moderate SEN, action research was organised, including group discussions, observation, document analysis and interviews with research participants. Research data were processed employing content analysis and statistical data analysis methods. It was sought to ensure feedback criterion by planning and discussing the research process and comparative characteristics of the written questionnaire, performed at the beginning and at the end of pupils’ survey, with all research participants. During working meetings educators identifed the situation of the development of functional mathematical literacy of pupils with moderate SEN in the mainstream school, discussed foreseen mathematical education strategies, got familiarised with the experience of meeting SEN abroad and in Lithuania, discussed interim activity achievements, observations, refected, projected further activity landmarks (re-planning), then repeatedly acted, observed and refected on action. Obtained research results demonstrated that systematic, purposeful functional mathematical literacydevelopment,basedonthe combinationofpragmatism,social constructivism,socialparticipation, empowermenttheories and the conception ofmathematicalliteracy,resulted in considerable improvement of all three pupils’mathematical achievements, the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in practical activities. All pupils’ mathematical cognitive abilities in both areas have improved, compared with the results in the beginning of the academic year.Action research enabled educators to consider and regroup the priorities of methods, activities of mathematical education, developing functional mathematical literacy of 8 form pupils with moderate special educational needs: focus on knowledge and outcome, emphasis on the disorder were replaced and supplemented with the pursuit of acknowledging the child’s individuality, the learner’s cognition, focus on support, considering the pupil’s strengths and purposeful usage of teaching/learning strategies, orientated to practical application of mathematical knowledge in the educational process and life. Teaching methods, aids, ways of work, which were chosen considering special educational needs, determined pupils’ active and independent participation in the lessons. This affected achievements of pupils with special educational needs. Therefore, it is important to consider this criterion choosing teachingmethods.Referring to pragmatism,social constructivism,social participation and empowerment theories, we achieved that all participants of the educational process (the pupil, parents, educators and specialists) cooperated as tantamount partners, seeking common goals. Seeking the empowerment of children’s parents and more effective support to the very child, it was effcient to draw up individual support and individual education plans for pupils, involving both the child, his/her parents and all family members in this process. It was noticed that participation in the research affected educators’ and parents’ general competencies related to personal growth and the person’s general abilities as well as subject-based abilities in the area of special education. [...] Keywords: action research, development of functional mathematical literacy, empowerment, moderate special educational needs. [From the publication]

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