Maliatyčių bažnyčia kaip katalikų vienybės simbolis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Maliatyčių bažnyčia kaip katalikų vienybės simbolis
Alternative Title:
Church of Maliatsichy as a symbol of Catholic unity
In the Book:
Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė: parlamentarizmas, konstitucija, visuomenė / sudarytoja Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė. Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2023. P. 226-246. (XVIII amžiaus studijos ; 9)
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama XVIII a. pabaigoje Maliatyčiuose (dab. Baltarusija) Mogiliavo arkivyskupo Stanislovo Bohušo-Sestrencevičiaus (Stanislovas Bohušas-Sestšencevičius, Stanisław Bohusz-Siestrzencewicz, 1731-1826) iniciatyva pastatyta Šv. Petro ir Pauliaus bažnyčia. Tyrimas paremtas plačiai žinomo šios bažnyčios (tiksliau - Romos Šv. Petro bazilikos, įvardintos kaip Maliatyčių Sv. Stanislovo bažnyčia) vaizdo, publikuoto Leonardo Chodzkos Paryžiuje leistame leidinyje La Pologne, historique, litteraire, monumentale et illustrėe, palyginimu su rašytinių šaltinių duomenimis. Straipsnyje kvestionuojami kai kurie literatūroje įsigalėję teiginiai apie šį įdomų iki mūsų dienų neišlikusį architektūros paminklą, pirmą kartą plačiau aptariama šventovės vidaus įranga, analizuojamos jos architektūrinės ir simbolinės sąsajos su pirmavaizdžiu - Romos Šv. Petro bazilika, paliečiami autorystės klausimai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Stanislovas Bohušas-Sestrencevičius, Maliatyčiai, Mogiliavas, dominikonų Šv. Petro ir Pauliaus bažnyčia, Šv. Petro bazilika Vatikane, Stanislovas Parčevskis, Leonardas Chodzka, Jonas Podčašinskis. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article analyses the Church of St Peter and St Paul, built at the end of the eighteenth century in Maliatsichy (present-day Belarus) at the initiative of the Archbishop of Mogilev, Stanislaw Bohusz-Siestrzencewicz (1731-1826). The study is based on a comparison of a well-known image of this church (more precisely, the Roman Basilica of St Peter, identified as the Church of St Stanislaus in Maliatsichy), published in Leonard Chodzkas Parisian publication LaPologne, historique, litteraire, monumentale et illustree, with the data from written sources. The article questions some of the assumptions made in the literature about this interesting architectural monument, which has not survived to the present day, and for the first time discusses the interior of the sanctuary in more detail and analyses its architectural and symbolic links with the original model - St Peters Basilica in Rome. The conclusion is, that the Maliatsichy Church was conceived as a visual expression of Siestrzencewiczs loyalty to the Roman Pope and as a symbol of the Belarusian Archbishops connection to the Catholic Church as a whole when forced to submit to the secular rule of the Russian Empire. It is possible that this church was also meant to express the unity of Roman and Greek Catholics under the Pope.The church was very small and externally (at least on the main facade) followed exacdy the architectural forms and proportions of St Peter s Basilica in Rome. However, analysis of the sources suggests that, in terms of the plan and the organization of the interior space, it was not a mechanically reduced model of the Vatican Basilica. The church in Maliatsichy was single-nave, with side altars in niches in the walls. The image of the Maliatsichy Church as a reflection of the most important sanctuary of the Apostolic Throne was created both by easily recognizable external signs (the colonnade surrounding the oval churchyard, the imitation of an obelisk, etc.) and by the interior furnishings (the replica of St Peters tomb, the throne of St Peter). The Maliatsichy Church lost its relevance when Siestrencevichs residence was moved from Mogilev to St Petersburg. Planned as a representative sanctuary for the Metropolitans summer residence, it soon became the church of a small and poor Dominican monastery and a parish with a small Catholic population. The act of visitation of 1817 already records a noticeable shift in the tides of the altars away from the iconography of the aposdes and popes towards the iconography of Dominican saints. Keywords: Stanislaw Bohusz-Siestrzencewicz, Maliatsichy, Mogilev, Dominican Church of St. Peter and Paul, St Peters Basilica in Vatican City, Laurynas Gucevičius, Stanislovas Parčevskis, Leonard Chodzka, Jonas Podčašinskis. [From the publication]

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Строгий стиль виленского классицизма / Валерий Морозов. Urbanistika ir architektūra. 2010, t. 34, Nr. 1, p. 5-16.
2024-09-20 23:54:22
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