Klaipėdos krašto aukštaičių germanizmai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klaipėdos krašto aukštaičių germanizmai
Alternative Title:
Germanisms in the Aukštaitian dialect of the Klaipėda region
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti ir aprašyti germanizmų, užfiksuotų Klaipėdos aukštaičių kalboje, ypatybes. Tyrimo metu nustatytas germanizmų vartojimo dažnumas, germanizmai suklasifikuoti pagal kalbos dalis, aprašyta germanizmų darybinė struktūra. Atlikus tyrimą konstatuota, kad didžioji pasiskolintų žodžių dalis yra daiktavardžiai, be to, skoliniai paprastai reprezentuoja darybiškai neskaidų kamieną. [lvb.lt]

ENThe article analyses Germanisms recorded in the following dialectal points: Bitenai (486), Juknaièiai (387), Katyèiai (389), Kavoliai (388), Kulmenai (429), Lauksargiai (431), Pagegiai (461), Plaškiai (426), Rukai (427), Sausgalviai (424), Smalininkai (489), Sokaièiai (487), Šilininkai (425), Timsriai (428), Trakininkai (430), Viešvile (488), and Vilkyškiai (462). The research material was collected from written texts found in Lithuanian chrestomathies and other sources, as well as audio recordings. The basis of empirical data consists of 85 authentic texts of various content, scope and duration. The analysis of all collected Germanisms (over 700 examples found in texts) revealed that most of these words appeared within the sources once or several times. However, words such as pinigas ‘coin’, kunigas ‘priest’, biskis ‘a little bit’ or buras ‘boor’ (referred to as old German loanwords by researchers) were found to be in frequent use by the speakers of the dialect. As a rule, mostly nouns were being borrowed, with other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs or adverbs) considerably less prevalent in the language of the respondents (around 8 per cent). The analysis also revealed that hybrid formations account for roughly 14 per cent of the overall lexical units studied. Most of the words representing this type of word formation are suffixal derivatives. Prefixal derivatives are considerably less numerous, meanwhile compounds with one Germanic-origin component were recorded on very few occasions. [From the publication]

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2024-09-17 20:38:48
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