"Lietuvių kalbos žodyno" Tarmių kartoteka - elektroninis duomenynas lietuvių tarmių ir kitų kalbų kontaktams tirti

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Lietuvių kalbos žodyno" Tarmių kartoteka - elektroninis duomenynas lietuvių tarmių ir kitų kalbų kontaktams tirti
Alternative Title:
Electronic dialect database as a tool for researching contacts between Lithuanian dialects and other languages
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas – pristatyti naujausią elektroninę Lietuvių kalbos žodyno Tarmių kartoteką, palyginti jos struktūrą su kitomis LKŽ kartotekomis ir parodyti LKŽ Tarmių kartoteką kaip elektroninį duomenyną, padedantį tyrėjams greitai ir patogiai gauti patikimų empirinių duomenų, pvz., tarmių ir kitų kalbų kontaktams tirti. LKŽ Tarmių kartoteka dėl savo pasiekiamumo, patogumo, modernios formos ir patikimų duomenų (tikslios fonetinės transkripcijos) labiau atliepia tyrėjų lūkesčius nei jos pirmtakės LKŽ Pagrindinė bei LKŽ Papildymų kartotekos. Straipsnyje taip pat apžvelgiami pastarojo dešimtmečio LKŽ kartotekų kaupimo rezultatai bei ateityje laukiantys uždaviniai. [lvb.lt]

ENThe Institute of the Lithuanian Language holds three card catalogues of The Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language (DLL): the DLL Main Card Catalogue (complete), the DLL Supplementary Card Catalogue and the DLL Dialect Card Catalogue. Each of these catalogues has a different data collection methodology, structure, and presentation. The object of this article is the first electronic DLL Dialect Card Catalogue (https://ekalba.lt/lkz-tarmiu-kartoteka/), which is different to the other two DLL card catalogues in the following aspects: 1) electronic entries, as opposed to paper cards; 2) headwords presented in alphabetical order, rather than in word families); 3) lexicographical units archived alphabetically, not based on dialect; 4) only spoken language sources used; 5) data collected by linguists (lexicographers and dialectologists) only; 6) reliability of data (sample sentences are presented in accurate phonetic transcription); 7) availability (it is open and accessible to all Internet users); 8) additional visual information (a map of the locality where a particular word was recorded). The article analyses the structure of the individual electronic card used in the DLL Dialect Card Catalogue. Similarly to a paper card, the electronic entry includes data fields Heading, Subheading, Illustrations, Imprint, and Comments. However, there are several essential differences.A comparative analysis of how the DLL card catalogues are structured shows that the electronic DLL Dialect Card Catalogue is more user-friendly than the paper equivalent. This is due to the overall functionality of the electronic database, a more flexible structure, an effective method of data dissemination, multiple search capabilities and other advantages. Furthermore, despite the fact that compilation and maintenance of this electronic card catalogue poses certain challenges caused by rapid IT changes, the modern format of the DLL Dialect Card Catalogue meets the needs of the 21st century information society. The database is also a very important source for Lithuanian linguists, who are able to retrieve reliable empirical data quickly and conveniently for use in various studies, such as researching the interaction of Lithuanian dialects with other languages. [From the publication]

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2024-09-17 19:05:05
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