Semiotiniai skaitymo modeliai: grimzdimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Semiotiniai skaitymo modeliai: grimzdimas
Alternative Title:
Semiotic models of reading: sinking
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2024.
332 p
Bibliografija ir rodyklės.
Pratarmė / Irina Melnikova — 1. Charleso S. Peirce'o semiotikos tradicija ir skaitymas: 1.1. Semiotinis-pragmatinis skaitymo modeliavimas / Irina Melnikova: 1.1.1. Semiozė ir ženklo samprata Peirceb semiotikoje; 1.1.2. Peirce‘o reprezentacijos ir komunikacijos sampratos; 1.1.3. Skaitymas: semiotinės-pragmatinės prieigos gairės; 1.1.4. Semiotinio-pragmatinio skaitymo modelio tikslinimas; 1.2. Grimzdimas: semiotinės-pragmatinės skaitymo strategijos / Irina Melnikova: 1.2.1. Grimzdimo struktūros diagramatizavimas; 1.2.2. Grimzdimo kelionės įvietinimas; 1.2.3. Praeities transformavimas; 1.2.4. Kitų patirties metamorfozės; 1.2.5. Kontekstinis patirties (de)metaforizavimas; 1.2.6. Autorystės ir skaitymo patirties metaforizavimas; 1.2.7. Diagramatizavimo atomazga — 2. Jurijaus Lotmano literatūros semiotika ir skaitymas: 2.1. Struktūrinis-semiotinis skaitymo modeliavimas / Silvi Salupere: 2.1.1. Meno kalba ir humanitarinių mokslų metodologija; 2.1.2. Struktūrinė (modeliuojanti) ir semiotinė (signifikuojanti, komunikacinė) prieigos; 2.1.3. Menas kaip kalba ir struktūrinis-semiotinis skaitymo modeliavimas; 2.1.4. Perkodavimas ir reikšmės problema; 2.1.5. Teksto problema komunikacijos aspektu; 2.1.6. Meninės erdvės ir siužeto problema; 2.1.7. Analizės metodologijos gairės; 2.1.8. Archisema; 2.1.9. Apibendrinimas; 2.2. Grimzdimas: struktūrinis-semiotinis skaitymo modeliavimas / Irina Melnikova: 2.2.1. Grimzdimo rėmai; 2.2.2. Grafinis grimzdimo lygmuo; 2.2.3. Makrosintaksinis grimzdimo lygmuo; 2.2.4. Leksinio-semantinio lygmens elementų paradigma —3. Algirdo Juliaus Greimo semiotika ir skaitymas: 3.1 Skaitymo modeliavimas Greimo semiotikoje / Jurgita Katkuvienė: 3.1.1. Tarp universalaus metodo ir individualaus objekto; 3.1.2. Nuo turinio semantikos prie išraiškos variantiškumo; 3.1.3. Skaitymo samprata ir praktika; 3.1.4. Poetiškumo samprata; 3.1.5. Poetinio teksto sąrangos analizė; 3.2. Grimzdimas: Greimo semiotikos skaitymo strategijos / Jurgita Katkuvienė: 3.2.1 Knygos sandara ir interpretacijų kryptys; 3.2.2. Aktualizuota mirtis; 3.2.3. Turinio ir išraiškos koreliacija; 3.2.4. Vizualiosios poezijos žaidimai; 3.2.5. Uždarų erdvių poetika; 3.2.6. Dugnas - grimzdimo pabaiga?; 3.2.7. Pabaigos pastabos — Pabaigos žodis: dialogo modeliavimas / Irina Melnikova — Literatūra — Dalykinė rodyklė — Asmenvardžių rodyklė – Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje tiriama literatūros skaitymo problematika, kuri plėtojama semiotinėje perspektyvoje, skaitymą siejančioje su teksto prasmės klausimu. Autorės konstruoja skaitymo logiką aiškinančius – Charleso S. Peirce’o, Jurijaus Lotmano ir Algirdo Juliaus Greimo semiotikų idėjomis grįstus – teorinius modelius ir modeliuoja tris Gyčio Norvilo poezijos rinkinio "grimzdimas" (2017) skaitymo variantus. Knygoje aptariama, kaip skirtingų semiotikų perspektyvoje (gali būti) suvokiamas skaitymas, kuo pasižymi skirtingos semiotinės prieigos, kaip prieigų ypatumai kreipia "grimzdimo" skaitymą, leidžiantį atverti poezijos rinkinio (reikšmių) gelmes ir nubrėžti semiotinių teorijų susitikimo ir išsiskyrimo trajektorijas. Knyga skirta literatūros ir semiotikos studijų specialistams ir studentams, taip pat visiems, besidomintiems skaitymo problematika, šiuolaikine poezija ir literatūros bei vizualiųjų menų ryšių klausimais. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThis monograph is focused on reading, defined not as an activity that arouses emotions, instils value systems or educates, but rather as a practice of signification and meaning-making. It outlines the models of reading based on the ideas of three different semiotic approaches originated by Charles S. Peirce, Juri Lotman and Algirdas Julius Greimas, all interconnected by a theoretically and methodologically grounded aim to explain the issues of meaning-making. “Modelling” (the creation of models), the fundamental concept of Juri Lotman, is used to name both the systematization of theoretical ideas within the perspective of reading literature and the application of theoretical models in the analysis of a poetic text (i. e., the analytical modelling of reading the text). In both cases, it describes the functioning of a system. The book aims to show how different semiotic approaches treat the concept of reading, how reading is connected to the process of meaning-making, how different forms of textual articulation that activate both sight and hearing influence the meaning-making, how the specificity of each semiotic approach grounds the configuration of the model of reading, and how this model functions in the practical analysis which helps to reveal where these theories converge or diverge. The traits of the theoretical modelling correlate with those of the text chosen for the analytical modelling - a poetry collection sinking (grimzdimas, 2017) by the Lithuanian poet Gytis Norvilas. This collection brings together verbal poems and drawings - “doodles”, and semantizes the graphic outline of the poetic lines on the page.The collection becomes a challenge to all semiotic approaches that use different concepts of sign and text, differ in the examination of the issues of communication and in the role of the subject in meaning-making, diverge in their attitude towards literature and literary studies, and have a different status within the Lithuanian academic discourse. The book begins with the definition of the ideas, concepts and issues of reading within the framework of the Peirce an semiotic-pragmatic approach, followed by the comprehensive semiotic-pragmatic reading of sinking. It proceeds to present the Lotmanian structural-semiotic model, illustrated through the analysis of sinking, and the modelling based on Greimas’ semiotics, tested by modelling the reading ofthe texts from the poetry collection, and ends with a concluding comparative chapter. The book is asymmetrical in terms of the scope of both theoretical and analytical models. This asymmetry is determined by the specificity of each semiotic approach, by the choices of authors based on the socio-cultural environment of these theories, and by the traits of reception of different semiotic systems in Lithuania. The first section of the book outlines the semiotic-pragmatic model of reading configured on the base of the semiotic ideas of Charles S. Peirce, a philosopher mathematician and logician, the creator of the general theory of signs. Peirce occasionally used literary examples to illustrate philosophical or semiotic ideas, however, he did not examine literature and did not consider the problematics of reading. Nevertheless, the intensification of research on his legacy since the end of the 20th century inspired the consideration of art discourses not examined by Peirce himself.The representatives of the semiotic-pragmatic approach (Jorgen Dines Johansen, Harri Veivo, Frederik Stjernfelt, Winfried Noth, Lars Ellestrom, etc.) discuss the issues of literary signification, and their research acknowledges and integrates the influence of Roman Jakobson who introduced Peirces ideas into the field of linguistics and literary studies. Since the 1990s, Peircean semiotic concepts and analytical tools have been persistently explained and widely applied in the analyses of various artistic discourses, yet in Lithuania this semiotic tradition has received little attention. Therefore, the section of the book which models the semiotic-pragmatic reading attempts to cover both the conceptual foundations of the Peircean semiotics and the current status of the semiotic-pragmatic approach with a focus on reading. The scope of the vertical “theoretical cut” asymmetrically correlates with the larger scope of the analysis in an effort to exhibit the diversity of aspects and relative comprehensiveness of the semiotic-pragmatic reading of sinking. [...]. [From the publication]

9786090710371 (elektroninis, PDF); 9786090710364 (spausdintinis)
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