Katalikiškasis pedagoginis pašaukimas: metodologiniai metmenys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Katalikiškasis pedagoginis pašaukimas: metodologiniai metmenys
Alternative Title:
Catholic pedagogical vocation: methodological outlines
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2024.
152 p
Įvadas — 1. Katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo pagrindas - dviejų laisvių meilės dialogas:1.1. Katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo teologinės ir filosofinės ištakos: 1.1.1. Teologinio pašaukimo - dviejų laisvių meilės dialogo - ištakos ir samprata; 1.1.2. Pašaukimo sampratos filosofiniai aspektai; 1.1.3. Personalistinė asmens pašaukimo samprata; 1.2. Teologinio pašaukimo - dviejų laisvių meilės dialogo - įgyvendinimo būdai ir tipologija; 1.3. Katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo samprata — 2. Tarpasmeninis meilės dialogas - katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo esminis elementas: 2.1. Dialogo samprata ir svarba ugdymui; 2.2. Dialogo kultūros skatinimas mokant tikybos kaip katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo atsiskleidimo sąlyga: 2.2.1. Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje įsigalėjusių materialistinių nuostatų keliami iššūkiai tikybos mokymui ir dialogo kultūrai; 2.2.2. Dialogo kultūros skatinimo svarba iš tikybos mokymo perspektyvos; 2.3. Meilės dialogo kūrimo kompetencija ir jos svarbos neįvertinimo problema — 3. Katalikiškoji pedagogika kaip pedagoginio pašaukimo raiškos kontekstas: 3.1. Katalikiškosios pedagogikos samprata ir tarpdisciplininis pobūdis; 3.2. Pagrindinis katalikiškosios ir pašaukimų pedagogikos veiksnys - ugdomasis meilės dialogas —4. Personalizmas - esminis pašaukimų pedagogikos ir katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo metodologinių pagrindų komponentas: 4.1. Pašaukimų pedagogikos samprata ir bendrieji bruožai; 4.2. Pašaukimų pedagogikos pagrindiniai parametrai; 4.3. Pašaukimų pedagogikos ir katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo personalistiniai pagrindai; 4.4. Idealinis pašaukimui atviro žmogaus ugdymo modelis — 5. Mokytojo katalikiškasis pedagoginis pašaukimas - atsakas į šiuolaikinius kultūrinius globalizmo keliamus iššūkius: 5.1. Visuomenės keliami reikalavimai šiuolaikiniam mokytojui; 5.2. Mokytojas - pašaukimo skatintojas, nešėjas ir liudytojas; 5.3. Katalikiškasis pedagoginis pašaukimas kaip teologinio ir profesinio pašaukimo sintezė; 5.4. Mokytojo profesinės veiklos įprasminimas - svarbus katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo suvokimo veiksnys: 5.4.1. Pašaukimo ir gyvenimo prasmės santykis logoterapijoje; 5.4.2. Mokytojo profesijos įprasminimo fenomenas — Išvados — Literatūra — Summary.
Pedagogai / Pedagogues; Profesinis ugdymas / Vocational education; Krikščionybė. Teologija / Christianity. Theology.
Summary / Abstract:

LTTarpdisciplininėje mokslo monografijoje pateikiami pagrindiiai tyrimo rezultatai, gauti apibendrinus pedagogikos, psichologijos, krikščioniškosios antropologijos, personalizmo filosofinės krypties ir teologijos įžvalgas apie žmogiškąjį asmenį ir pašaukimo fenomeną: sukurti Katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo metodologiniai metmenys; išskirtas katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo pagrindas – dviejų laisvių meilės dialogas; apibūdintas tarpasmenis Meilės dialogas kaip katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo esminis elementas; apibrėžtas pedagoginio pašaukimo raiškos kontekstas – katalikiškoji pedagogika; išskirtas esminis pašaukimų pedagogikos ir katalikiškojo pedagoginio pašaukimo metodologinių pagrindų komponentas – personalizmas; apibūdintas mokytojo katalikiškasis pedagoginis pašaukimas kaip atsakas šiuolaikiniams kultūriniams globalizmo iššūkiams. Raktiniai žodžiai: katalikiškasis pedagoginis pašaukimas; dviejų laisvių meilės dialogas; ugdomasis meilės dialogas; pašaukimų pedagogika. [Leidėjo anotacija]

ENThe monograph raises the following problematic questions: what is a common Christian vocation? What isthe Catholic pedagogical vocation and what are its theoretical and methodological assumptions? Why is it becoming difficult for the public education system to find and keep good teachers, tutors and principals in the education sector? Is it possible that the most important thing is missing: permanent and meaningful support for the people who, day in and day out, work day in and day out for a low salary in a demanding pedagogical job, often in psychologically very in adverse circumstances, and even morally undervalued? Is the profession of religion teacher the same as other professions, or is it any different, or is there anything special about it that makes it incomparable with other professions? Traditionally, teachers have been tasked with upholding noble, universal and enduring values - goodness, truth, beauty, ethos, vocation, responsibility, etc. - and creating an environment conducive to education. However, the consumerist philosophy, moral relativism and religious syncretism that have taken root in modern society also create contradictions and a complex situation in the educational sphere. In a pluralistic society, there are calls for the abandonment of many traditional moral norms and for their exclusion from the practice of life. Such a society, which is not guided by any universally accepted, universal norms of human behavior and action, seeks to accept a variety of competing or contradictory norm systems. Ignoring the existence of a single correct morality at the same time excludes the possibility of developing stable moral principles and criteria for moral behavior in man. In Western societies, such a change is at the heart of the retreat from religion as a source of values and norms of behavior.It is argued that sacred, transcendent religion is incompatible with the reign of progress, of reason, of freedom, of all that has completely overwhelmed the intellect of Western societies under the cloak of modernity. Nevertheless, the retreat from God, the crisis of morality, does not mean its death, but these changes do affect people’s moral behavior. Much of humanity is going through a difficult period of change in worldview and moral behavior. The decline of the binding influence of traditional morality and the emergence of a new relative morality are being experienced. The rapid digitalisation of the education system and the development of artificial intelligence pose many challenges and demands on future and existing educators, who need to continuously learn and develop themselves in order to stay connected to their pupils and to find themselves in the reality of an everchanging world. At present, the professionalism of teachers is characterised by an emphasis on their subject-specific competences, while general competences, which include the competence to create a dialogue of love presented in the monograph, are relegated to the background, without taking into account the fact that it is mainly through these competences that teachers create a psychological and pedagogical environment that is conducive to learning, and to which pupils come with a desire to learn. The current hierarchy of educational and developmental goals places technocratic and subject-specific training at the top, followed by the introduction of new competences, life skills, sustainability and inclusion. This hierarchy of objectives has implications for the development of creative, open-minded and cosmopolitan people of the future, in line with the ideal of the global citizen as promoted by the globalist ideology of our times.Over the next twenty years, the education system will be confronted with many challenges posed by globalisation, digitalisation, transhumanism, the introduction of neuroscience and robotics. The main challenge will not be to continuously update the subject-matter competences of educators at all levels, but to preserve the educational love affair with the pupils and to maintain the space of creative personal interaction between educator and pupil. Society expects teachers to buffer the tendencies of impersonalisation of teaching and educational processes dictated by modern times and to raise the young generation of the future, which will determine the course of all social, political and economic changes, as well as set the trends in education within the paradigm of building a personal communion. Today’s education must not adapt, but follow, initiate or adjust to the rapid changes in the development of society, and at the same time create the future of the nation. A teacher is a person who lives his or her vocation, who looks to the future with love and prepares himself or herself and others for it. The realization of the Catholic pedagogical vocation of the teacher presented in the monograph can serve as a response to the contemporary cultural challenges and problems posed by globalism, from the perspective of which the research problem is raised: the theory of educational science lacks a purified methodology of the Catholic pedagogical vocation. [...] Keywords: catholic pedagogical vocation; dialogue of love of the two freedoms; pedagogical dialogue of love; pedagogy of vocations. [From the publication]

9786094675973 (elektroninis, PDF); 9786094675966 (spausdintinis)
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