Vienos istorinės gamtamokslinio ugdymo priemonės mokytojams retrospektyva

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vienos istorinės gamtamokslinio ugdymo priemonės mokytojams retrospektyva
Alternative Title:
Retrospective of one historical science education tool for teachers
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje [Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School]. 2023, 29, p. 41-50
Summary / Abstract:

LTPasigilinus į gamtamokslinio ugdymo vadovėlius, pamatėme, jog geologijai juose skirta labai mažai dėmesio (Rudnickaitė, 2022), supratome kodėl tarp mokytojų paklausios publikacijos, kuriose pateikiame praktinių patarimų darbui su mokiniais gamtoje, artimoje mokyklai teritorijoje, dirbant su kolekcijomis, formuojant mokiniams užduotis išvykoms į muziejus (Rudnickaitė, 2012; 2019; 2020). Pasidairius, kokie vadovėliai buvo naudojami, kai mokėsi mokykloje šių dienų mokytojų tėvai ir seneliai, kas tuos vadovėlius rašė ar sudarinėjo, radome vieną, ypač sudominusį Pelikso Šinkūno sudarytą „Vadovą mokyklos geografinei aplinkai tirti“ (Šinkūnas, 1958). [Iš Įvado]

ENThe tool discussed in the article, intended for teachers, emphasizes the complex study of the school's natural environment, which is not the work of a single subject teacher, but the work of the entire team of school teachers with students. All chapters contain specific subject specific instructions on how to carry out one or another research or observation, how to document and record observed phenomena, objects, processes, what tools are needed to carry out a specific research, and advice on how to make them. It is understood that the exposure situation has changed. Some of the mentioned outcrops are already glazed or hidden under a considerable layer of deluvium. However, it is possible that a new outcrop has formed in another part of the same river slope. It should reveal geological layers similar to those described. In this way, even today, this "Guide..." can be useful for a teacher working with children in nature. You just need to check the terms. Some may be obsolete. This tool would be especially valuable for those starting to create local history museums in schools. The only drawback is that it is too heavy to carry to the research objects. I would think that even nowadays it is possible to assemble a team of scientists who, after revising the tool at the level of today's scientific knowledge, would publish it in one publication, consisting of several parts taken separately when going out into nature. I hope this retrospective will become a perspective. Keywords: school natural environment, local history museums in schools, outcrop retrospective, perspective, Vilnius University. [From the publication]

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