Genio grupės štabo bunkeris Zervynų–Palkabalio miške

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Genio grupės štabo bunkeris Zervynų–Palkabalio miške
Alternative Title:
Genys Group staff bunker in the Zervynos–Palkabalis forest
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2013, 2012 metais, p. 652-659
Summary / Abstract:

LTTyrinėtas Dainavos apygardos partizano Kazimieraičio rinktinės DLK Vytauto tėvūnijos Genio grupės štabo bunkeris (Varėnos r., Zervynų girininkija, Zervynų–Palkabalio miškas) yra 4,34 km į ŠR nuo Zervynų ir 4,14 km į V nuo Palkabalio kaimų bei 8,35 km į P nuo Varėnos. Bunkerio vidinėje erdvėje žuvusių partizanų palaikų aptikti nepavyko, surasti tik 4 nedideli apdegę kaulų fragmentai. Nuspręsta ištirti du žvalgomuosius šurfus netolimoje bunkerio aplinkoje pastebėtų nenatūralių įgilinimų vietose. 2,5x2,5 m dydžio šurfas 1 tirtas 2,5 m į PV nuo perkasos PR sienelės; 3x2 m dydžio šurfas 2 kastas 14 m į Š nuo perkasos Š kampo. Šurfe 1 iš kart po miškožemiu, 20–30 cm gylyje atsidengė gelsvo smėlio įžemis. Ant įžemio, šurfo centre ir kiek arčiau bunkerio aptikti 4 2 mm storio langų stiklo fragmentai, 14 stiklinių butelių kaklelių, 14 dugnelių, apie 140 butelių sienelių fragmentų. Matyt, šioje vietoje buvo partizanų įrengta buitinės paskirties atliekų duobė. Šurfe 2 nuėmus velėną bei nukasus miškožemio sluoksnį geltono smėlio įžemyje išryškėjo stačiakampio užapvalintais kampais formos, 2x1 m dydžio pilkšva dėmė. 50–60 cm gylyje aptikti neanatomine tvarka gulintys žmogaus kaulai: šlaunikaulis, blauzdikaulis, kaukolės fragmentai, šonkauliai ir kt. 70–80 cm gylyje aptikti žuvusiojo griaučiai, gulėję anatomine tvarka. Kūnas į duobę buvo įmestas kniūbsčias. Skeletui trūko viršutinės dalies kaulų: kaukolės, raktikaulių, žastikaulių. Giliau-80–90 cm gylyje, duobės P gale aptikti dar trijų kaukolių fragmentai. Duobėje taip pat surasta žalvarinė sagutė su Vyčio ženklu, dvi plastikinės marškinių sagutės, Mosin–Nagan tipo šovinio tūtelė, žalvarinė diržo sagtelė. Skeleto krūtinės srityje surastos 3 pistoletinės kulkos. Žuvusiųjų kaulai apdegę. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 652, 657-658]

ENThe excavated Lithuanian post-war partisan bunker is 4.34 km to the NE of Zervynos village, 4.14 km to the W of Palkabalis village, and 8.35 km to the S of Varėna (Varėna district, S Lithuania). The bunker was assaulted on 20 May 1952, at which time four Dainava District partisans died: Antanas Česnulevičius, Vytautas Lukoševičius, Jonas Morkūnas, and Vytautas Sadauskas. The MGB report drawn up the same day also mentions the assaulting agents who were wounded during the battle and the partisans who were killed. The report additionally states that the bunker burnt up and collapsed during the fire fight and the discovered partisan bodies were buried at the site. An oval 7x5 m pit up to 1.8 m deep existed at the bunker site. The pit was surrounded by a bank up to 70 cm high that had been created from soil removed from the pit during the bunker’s construction. A 9x7 m trench was excavated after a metal detector survey, with which yielded 165 isolated finds, had been conducted in a 100 m radius around the bunker. A total of 684 isolated finds and about 820 pieces of mass materials were discovered during the entire investigation. The majority of the finds were cartridge casings and bullets that show the course of assault. Signal rocket casings and grenade pins were also found. The discovered uniform buttons with the Vytis symbol, belt buckles, and belt loops represent partisan clothing elements. Many finds connected with everyday domestic life were found: fragments of a small iron stove, an iron pot, a frying pan, a potato grater, various cutlery and tools, etc.. Rechargeable battery sections were a frequent find.The partisans used the electricity to listen to the radio, parts of which were also discovered. One pistol, a pistol magazine, and many other iron weapon parts were recovered. The bunker’s wooden elements had completely burnt up and been destroyed. Only floorboard fragments and eight postholes had survived. It was stated that the bunker was 3.25x3.2 m and had a door and two windows. A small part of the bunker projected above the ground’s surface. No remains of the fallen partisans could be found inside the bunker, only four small burnt bone fragments. It was decided to excavate two trial test pits at the sites of unnatural depressions noticed in the bunker’s immediate vicinity. Disarticulated human bones: a femur, a tibia, skull fragments, ribs, etc. were discovered at a depth of 50–60 cm in test pit 2. An articulated skeleton was found at a depth of 70–80 cm. The body had been thrown face down into the pit. The skeleton was missing the bones of the upper body: the skull, clavicles, and humeri. Another three skull fragments were found deeper down at a depth of 80–90 cm in the S end of the pit. A small brass button with a Vytis symbol and two plastic shirt buttons were also found in the pit. Three pistol bullets were found in the skeleton’s chest area. The bones had been burnt. Apparently the bodies, which had been disfigured during the fire and the grenade explosions, had been thrown into the excavated pit in pieces. Because the remains had been buried under a thin, roughly 40 cm layer of sand, the bulk of the bodies could have been pulled out by forest animals. [From the publication]

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Archaeology of the Lithuanian partisan war: case of the partisan bunker in Daugėliškiai forest / Gediminas Petrauskas and Aistė Petrauskienė. Archaeologies of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and repression. Dark modernities / editors: James Symonds, Pavel Vařeka Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. P. 149-170.
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