Telšių apskrities 1940-1941 m. istorijos puslapiai: pasipriešinimas sovietų valdžiai, aktyvistai, žydų žūtis ir Jonas Noreika-Generolas Vėtra

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Telšių apskrities 1940-1941 m. istorijos puslapiai: pasipriešinimas sovietų valdžiai, aktyvistai, žydų žūtis ir Jonas Noreika-Generolas Vėtra
Alternative Title:
Pages of the history of Telšiai county 1940-1941: resistance to the soviet government, activists, the death of the Jews and Jonas Noreika-General Vėtra
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTDarbe teigiama, kad kpt. Jonas Noreika, kai ėjo Telšių LAF'o štabo vado pareigas (1941 m. birželio 28 d. - rugpjūčio 3 d.) nedirbo nei civilinės valdžios, nei policijos apskrities įstaigose, atkurtose pasipriešinimo dalyvių per sukilimą ir po jo. Prieš 1940 m. vasaros okupaciją ir aneksiją J. Noreika įgijo dvi, t. y. karininko ir teisininko, specialybes. Nuo 1937 m. spalio 8 d. iki 1940 m. spalio 28 d. dirbo Kariuomenės teisme. Nors 1941 m. birželio sukilimo metu ir po jo sovietmečiu išformuotos Kariuomenės teismas nebuvo atkurtas, tačiau teisininko karjeros neatsisakė. Kpt. J. Noreika, kiti Telšių LAF'o štabo nariai ar su juo susiję asmenys sudarydavo komisijas, kurios nagrinėdavo asmenų, įtariamų buvus sovietų režimo šalininkais, bylas. Taip pat J. Noreika yra buvęs komisijos, kuri nagrinėjo Karo lauko teismo Telšiuose 1941 m. liepos 19 d. nuteistų mirties bausme 12 asmenų malonės prašymus (dviems bausmė pakeista įkalinimu), nariu. Taip pat J. Noreika siekė teisiškai sureguliuoti Telšių apskrities Policijos nuovadų viršininkų ir aktyvistų štabų veiklą, susijusią su persekiojimu asmenų, įtariamų buvus sovietų režimo rėmėjais.Darbe tyrinėjama išeivijos lietuvio Aleksandro Pakalniškio pateikta versija, kad kpt. Jonas Noreika buvo Plungės komendantu, įsakiusiu 1941 m. liepos mėnesio viduryje sušaudyti Plungės sinagogoje kalintus žydus. Žudynės vyko ties Kaušėnų kaimu. Versija nelaikoma patikima, nes jos nepatvirtina kitų istorinių šaltinių (tarp jų ir po karo teistų žudynėse dalyvavusių buvusių Plungės baltaraiščių baudžiamųjų bylų) analizė, profesionalių istorikų darbai. Iš kitų šaltinių aiškėja, kad įsakymas sušaudyti žydus buvo gautas iš vokiečių komendantūros. 1941 m. liepos 12-13 d. Plungėje ties Kaušėnų kaimu vykusiose žudynėse dalyvavo vokiečių kariai, Plungės komendanto Itn. Povilo Alimo (jis tuo pačiu metu ėjo vietos LAF'o ir TDA vado pareigas) ir jo pavaduotojo Pabrėžos vadovaujami baltaraiščiai. Kiti šaltiniai nepatvirtina to, kad J. Noreika per žudynes buvo Plungėje. Pagal juos J. Noreika buvo ne Plungės komendantu, o ėjo Telšių LAF'o štabo vado pareigas. Nėra žinių, kad J. Noreika buvo ir kitose Telšių apskrities vietovėse vykusių žydų žudynių dalyviu. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Telšių apskritis, sovietinė okupacija, nacių okupacija, LAF, 1941 m. birželio sukilimas, Jonas Noreika, žydų genocidas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article explores the past of the town and county of Telšiai in 1940-1941 in relation to the resistance movement against the Soviet regime, the activities of the Lithuanian Activist Front, the genocide of the Jews and the organisations responsible for it. It also explores the life of the famous anti-Soviet and anti-Nazi resister Jonas Noreika-Generolas Vėtra (8 October 1910, Šukioniai village, Pakruojis Valsčius - 26 February 1947). Vilnius, buried on the territory of the Tuskulėnai Manor estate) in relation to the above-mentioned realities. 1) to provide a more general overview of the development of the resistance movement to the Soviet regime in the years 1940-1941 in Telšiai county, to reveal the circumstances of the emergence of the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) in the county; 2) to analyse the formation of the Telšiai headquarters of the LAF in 1941. 3) to examine the relationship of the Telšiai LAF headquarters to the death of the county's Jews in the summer of 1941; 4) to clarify what was the relationship of the head of the headquarters, cpt. Jonas Noreika's role in relation to the deaths ofthejews of Telšiai town and county. The emergence of the LAF in Telšiai county is related to the fact that at the end of September and beginning of October 1940 the resistance movement and underground activities against the Soviet regime in Lithuania (including Telšiai county) expanded, and therefore there was a necessity to coordinate their actions, to strive for a united action. From 9 and 10 October 1940, when the centres for the unified resistance movement were established in Kaunas and Vilnius, the Telšiai county underground became supporters of such action. The establishment of the third centre of resistance in Berlin, i. e. the LAF, on 17 June 1940 did not mean the establishment of the resistance underground, nor the beginning of the formation of a unified resistance movement, since all this had already begun before that.Its significance lies in the fact that the unified resistance movement, which had already begun to form in the first half of October 1940, and which included members of the resistance movement in Telšiai, assumed the name of the Lithuanian Activist Front around the second half of December 1940, or a little later, and that more dynamism was added to its course. The Telšiai underground was linked to the Kaunas and Vilnius LAF headquarters operating underground in Lithuania and to the semi-public LAF headquarters in Berlin, Germany. Their main objective was to restore the independent state of Lithuania through an uprising at the outbreak of Nazi Germany's war with the Soviet Union. The preparations for the uprising were made by amassing weapons, recruiting new members to the underground, and preparing and distributing anti-occupation literature, some of which contained anti-Semitism. Before the uprising, the Telšiai county underground was in a state of combat readiness. At the outbreak of the German war with the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, at least 14 partisan rebel detachments, which could have numbered around 1330 members, were active in the towns of Telšiai and Plungė, in the county's central towns and in the surrounding areas. They took part in combat actions against the retreating Red Army, supporters of the Soviet regime, and wore white armbands with the inscription TDA (People's Labour Protection). Their aim was to establish themselves in the centres of the districts and communes before the arrival of the German army, to oppose the fact of restored independence.The paper states that at the end of June 1941, the activities of the Lithuanian Activist Front in the region became public, and the LAF headquarters in Kaunas became the central headquarters, with subdivisions in the districts. One of them was the Telšiai LAF headquarters, which was formed from members of the local underground that had previously belonged to the Soviet-era LAF. It was active in Telšiai from approximately 28 June 1941 until 31 August of the same year. From 28 June to 3 August 1941, the headquarters were headed by Capt. Jonas Noreika, Lt. Bronius Juodikis was his deputy. The TDA unit was headed by Maj. Alfonsas Svilas, who would later take over the command of the headquarters after Noreika's appointment as Šiauliai District Governor. J. Noreika, B. Juodikis, A. Svilas were the main members of the staff, but their actual number was higher. There were also individuals who maintained close contacts with the staff. The Telšiai LAF Headquarters had its own sections in the districts of the county. The commander of the local LAF branch was also in charge of the TDA forces. It can be assumed that the Telšiai LAF headquarters, its branches in the localities of the communes, and the commanders of the headquarters and the branches could have had up to a thousand people in the TDA under their command. [...]. [From the publication]

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