LTStraipsnyje apibūdinami Šventosios pelkių akmens amžiaus gyvenviečių tyrinėjimo metu rasti dirbiniai, liudijantys IV-III tūkstantmečių prieš Kristų gyventojų pasaulėvaizdį ir jo raidą. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: akmens amžius, pasaulėžiūra, Narvos kultūra, Rutulinių amforų kultūra. [Iš leidinio]
ENIn 1966-1996, by the overgrown Šventoji Lagoon, 42 sites of four Stone Age cultures were explored. Apart from a great deal of domestic wooden and stone appliances, there were found a lot of ritual-symbolic objects that reflect the outlook of different cultures. They also allow judging about the interaction of cultures and their world outlook. Hunters and fishermen of the Narva culture worshipped the Lord of Wild Animals but were also acquainted with the image of the Lord Human - Idolas that came from the Near East. When exchanging amber with the newcomers of the Globular Amphora culture, they got acquainted with the industrial economy and their outlooks, world structure that is expressed in more abstract symbols. Only in mutual cooperation the cultures were able to develop their material and spiritual culture. [From the publication]