Szlachta Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego wobec odrębności Litwy w ramach Rzeczypospolitej w świetle instrukcji sejmikowych XVI-XVIII w.

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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Szlachta Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego wobec odrębności Litwy w ramach Rzeczypospolitej w świetle instrukcji sejmikowych XVI-XVIII w
Alternative Title:
Nobility of Grand Duchy of Lithuania towards to separateness of Lithuania within Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 16th-18th centuries
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra [Early Lithuanian literature]. 1998, 6, p. 261-278. Senosios raštijos ir tautosakos sąveika: kultūrinė Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės patirtis
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe dietines of Grand Duchy of Lithuania emphasised its separateness against the Polish Kingdom within Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth since the end of XVI th century up to the partitions of Polish-Lithuanian Republic. They demanded: dwelling oft the King (who at the same time was Grand Lithuanian Duke) every third year in Vilna, keeping there the state archives - the Lithuanian Metrica, carrying on every third year the diet on Grand Duchy territory. They also wanted not to depreciate the competence of Lithuanian offices as well as that such positions would be hold by the citizens of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The dietines intended to preserve Lithuanian law - theThird Lithuanian Statute, they also opposed to the diminution of their country territory and also transportation of Lithuanian king's revenue out of the Grand Duchy. Owing to such position, Grand Duchy of Lithuania preserved its separateness to the end of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth duration. The basis of its demands had political not ethnical nature. As there were no seen any differences between postulates of nobility coming from ethnically Lithuanian or Ruthenian lands. Preserving, though in federation with the Polish Kingdom, the Lithuanian Statehood to the end of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth existence, had simplified the birth of modern Lithuanian national consciousness in the second half of 19th century. It was easier to refer to the tradition of the nation which was lost a century ago than to the mythical, pagan Lithuania. [From the publication]

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