Dievo vilkai: XVI-XVII a. Livonijos vilkolakių mįslė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dievo vilkai: XVI-XVII a. Livonijos vilkolakių mįslė
Alternative Title:
Wolves of god: a riddle of sixteenth-seventeenth-century Livonian werewolves
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTVilkolakio vaizdinio istorija yra sena kaip Gilgamešo epas, o jo priešistorė mena žmonijos sąmonės aušrą. Dėl medžiagos gausos ir įvairumo tenka tirti paskiras vilkolakių istorijas, kurių viena yra XVI-XVII a. Livonijos vilkolakiai, savo ruožtu slepiantys gerųjų (Dievo) vilkolakių giją. Šio darbo tikslas - pristatyti ir konteks- tualizuoti šį fenomeną, gerokai išsiskiriantį iš krikščioniškosios demonologijos persmelktų susijusių Europos tikėjimų. Darbo prieiga - į pirminius šaltinius orientuotas mitinio pasaulėvaizdžio pjūvis. Raktiniai žodžiai: Dievas, vilkolakiai, vilkai, Livonija, mitinis pasaulėvaizdis, liaudies tikėjimai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe prehistory of the werewolf reaches back into the dawn of human consciousness, while the history of the werewolf begins with the epic of Gilgamesh. Due to the richness and diversity of this history, one should investigate separate werewolf histories before attempting major comparisons. One of these histories is the history of the sixteenth-seventeenth century Livonian werewolves, which conceals something truly phenomenal. By delving into various sources, a thread becomes visible: that of the benevolent werewolves, the wolves of God, rather than the wolves of the Devil, as they were portrayed by Christianity. The aim of this article is to present and contextualize this mild anomality, demonstrating its coherence within a mythological framework. This is accomplished by examining primary sources and utilizing folklore as much as possible to avoid common distortions found in secondary literature regarding this case. The article begins with a brief overview of the history of Livonian werewolves in general, then presents the sources related to benevolent cases. It proceeds with an analysis of two mythologems, namely, "God’s wolves" (also referred to as the "dogs of God”) and the so called "rye wolves" (or Roggenwolfe). The article concludes by reminding that departing from the wolf paradigm is necessary for anyone hoping to unravel the mystery of benevolent Livonian werewolves. Far from aiming to provide a definitive answer, this article is rather just a prolegomena for a deeper analysis. Keywords: God, werewolves, wolves, Livonia, mythical worldview, folk beliefs. [From the publication]

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