Baltų dievybės ir mitologinės būtybės Vydūno dramose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Baltų dievybės ir mitologinės būtybės Vydūno dramose
Alternative Title:
Baltic deities and mythological creatures in the dramas of Vydūnas
In the Journal:
Mitologija / Mythology; Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos Vydūno dramaturgijoje vaizduojamos baltų dievybės ir mitologinės būtybės. Dramose dažniausiai minimas Dievas (Kūrėjas) ir svarbiausios, mąstytojo požiūriu, dievybės - Ugnis (Saulė), Laima ir Perkūnas. Į atskiras grupes išskiriamos jūros dievybės (Juraitė, Bangpūtys bei Putogimė), likimą valdančios dievybės (likimo deivės ir Laumės), gelbstinčios dievybės (Aura, Algis, Milda, Gulbė) ir Velnias bei mitologinės būtybės. Prieinama išvados, jog didžiausią dėmesį Vydūnas skyrė dievybių bei mitologinių būtybių dvasinės prasmės atskleidimui, taigi jos simbolizuoja sudėtingo vidinio žmogaus pasaulio gelmę, t. y. jo esmę ir šviesiuosius bei tamsiuosius pasąmonės klodus. Raktiniai žodžiai: Vydūnas, drama, mitologija, Dievas, dievybės, archetipai. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn his philosophical and literary works Vydūnas focused on the problem of human cognition and understanding of religion. He had repeatedly expressed regret at the misunderstanding of the ancient Lithuanian faith by playing it idolatrous or claiming that Lithuanians in ancient times worshiped nature. Those researchers, who had analized Vydūnas dramaturgy, highly stressed the archetypal meaning of his symbolic characters. The dramas of the thinker are dominated by the Baltic deities. The manifestation of the Supreme Creator is depicted as the Eternal Fire (Light). His will is performed by central deities such as Perkūnas (Thunder) and Laima (goddess of destiny), who in their turn use the assistance of other deities and mythological creatures subordinate to them. The symbolism of the sea and it’s deities, such as Bangpūtys (Wave Blower), Putogimė (Born of Foam), Juraitė (Little Sea) is very important in his dramas, as they express the phenomena of unknown (unfamiliar) depths of the subconscious. However, the focus is on the deities that determine human existence. They invigorate, alter or disturb the human fate. For example Laima (the goddess of destiny), Laumės (fairies), Velnias (the devil). The other positive deities, who protect and save human beings are Aura, Algis, Milda, Gulbė (Swan). Goddess Laima is more than just a ruler of a single human fate, she is the one, who rules the destiny of the whole nation and even the whole of humanity. She represents the principle of femininity, very close to the description of goddess Laima by Algirdas Greimas and Maria Gimbutiene.However, in his dramas the playwright emphasizes the spiritual meaning of deities and mythological beings. It essentially conforms to the charakteristics of the collective subconscious archetypes described by Carl Gustav Jung. In creating his mythological characters, the thinker probably deliberately sought to demystify the deities of the ancient Lithuanian faith, his goal was to reveal their spiritual value and their idealogical and archetypal meaning. Keywords: Vydūnas, dramaturgy, deities, Baltic mythology, God, mythological creatures, archetypes. [From the publication]

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