Lietuvos partizanų ryšininkų Sajų sodybos Balandiškyje tyrimai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos partizanų ryšininkų Sajų sodybos Balandiškyje tyrimai
Alternative Title:
Investigation of the family farmstead of the Lithuanian partisan liaison Saja in Balandiškis
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2014, 2013 metais, p. 482-489
Summary / Abstract:

LT2013 m. rugpjūčio–lapkričio mėnesiais LLKĮS suburta tyrėjų grupė tęsė Lietuvos partizanų ryšininkų Sajų sodybos Balandiškyje (Radviliškio r., Grinkiškio sen.) (UK 30371) tyrimus (ATL 2010 metais, V., 2011, p. 523–527; ATL 2012 metais, V., 2013, p. 642–651). Ekspedicijos metu įvyko antroji LLKĮS, ŠU Humanitarinio fakulteto Šiaurės Lietuvos tyrimų centro ir VU Istorijos fakulteto organizuojama akademinio jaunimo stovykla–seminaras "Laisvės kovų atmintis". Radiniai perduoti saugoti ŠAM. 2013 m. ekspedicijos tikslas-nustatyti istorinį, pirminį Sajų gyvenamojo namo kamaros grindų paviršių, atkasti namo pamatus, pabaigti 2012 m. ploto daržinės vietoje tyrimus, toliau rinkti ryšininkų ir aplinkinių vietovių gyventojų prisiminimus (iš viso 2012–2013 m. užrašyti 36 pateikėjų pasakojimai). Archeologinių tyrimų metu Sajų gyvenamojo namo kamaroje ištirtas 8,45 m2 , keturiuose namo pasieniuose-34,7 m2 plotas. Daržinės vietoje užbaigti 2012 m. pradėto 69,96 m2 ploto tyrimai. Georadaru ištirtas 475 m2 plotas: spėjamoje partizanų archyvo užkasimo vietoje-375 m2 , rūsio vietoje-100 m2. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 482-483]

ENIn 2013, the LLKĮS continued the investigation of the family farmstead of the Lithuanian partisan liaison Saja in Balandiškis (Radviliškis district). An excavation and geophysical survey were conducted at the farmstead and the recollections of the liaisons and the inhabitants of the neighbouring localities continued to be collected. 8.45 m2 were excavated in a room of the Saja home, 34.7 m2 alongside the home’s four walls. The excavation of the 69.96 m2 area begun in 2012 at the hay barn site was completed. 475 m2 were surveyed using georadar: 375 m2 at the site where the partisan archive were supposed to be buried and 100 m2 at the cellar site. The remains of a bread oven were excavated in the room and the oven chamber, the bottom of the fire box, and the remains of a hard-packed earth floor under the brick paving were recorded. The contours of a flowerbed with a fieldstone border, a metal lightning conductor wire and two grounds, the continuation to the NE of a stone gutter, and a stone levelling layer under the home’s foundation were found alongside the home’s walls. A pile of stones was discovered near the home’s W corner and stones from the base of the bread oven dismantled in the kitchen lay near the N corner. Stones from the foundation of the vegetable storage room were unearthed in the hay barn, a foundation section was made, and a third posthole was found. Three rectangular objects: the contours of unknown buildings (?) and five likely partisan archive burial sites were discovered with the georadar during the geophysical survey.A total of 269 metal, glass, plastic, stone and other finds were discovered: household and farming needs, various tool and tool parts, architecture and clothing elements, and finds related to the partisan war. The mass materials included nails, decayed metal artefacts, glass shards, potsherds, fragments of slate, leather, rubber, textiles, and plastics, rodentgnawed fruit stones, etc. Eleven 16th–19th-century potsherds were also found. The 2013 investigation has yielded new data about the historic, archaeological, and memorial value of the Saja family farmstead. [From the publication]

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2024-07-25 09:18:03
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