Advokato Jauniaus Gumbio kolekcija: knygose išlikusi praeitis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Advokato Jauniaus Gumbio kolekcija: knygose išlikusi praeitis
Alternative Title:
Collection of lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: the past preserved in books
Racevičienė, Aušra, sudarymas [com]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2018.
599 p
Muziejus ir kolekcininkas; 76
Kolekcininko žodis – Įvadas — KOLEKCIJOS KATALOGAS. Inkunabulai ir paleotipai — Mažosios Lietuvos, LDK ir etnografinės Lietuvos spaustuvių leidiniai — Užsienyje išleistos Lietuvos autorių knygos — Užsienio autorių lituaninės knygos — Rankraštinės knygos — Svarbesnioji literatūra — The Collection of Lawyer Jaunius Gumbis: The Past Preserved in Books — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos nacionaliniame muziejuje 2012 m. pradėtas parodų ciklas „Muziejus ir kolekcininkas“. Supažindiname su Jauniaus Gumbio senųjų Lietuvos ir lituaninių knygų rinkiniu. Pasak kolekcininko, jį komplektuoti paskatino noras išsaugoti ir pristatyti Lietuvos istorijos tyrėjams vertingus istorinius šaltinius - knygas, kurių dalies nerasime Lietuvos muziejuose ir bibliotekose. Didelė kolekcijos dalis - žymių Lietuvos autorių veikalai, parengti ir išspausdinti Lietuvos ar kitų Europos miestų spaustuvėse. Rinkinyje taip pat sukaupti užsienio autorių veikalai, kuriuose yra istorinių duomenų apie Lietuvą. Chronologinės kolekcijos ribos - nuo XV a. pabaigos, ankstyvojo spaudos periodo, iki XX amžiaus tarpukario Lietuvos laikotarpio. [...] Kolekcija yra įdomi ne tik studijuojantiems Lietuvos istoriją, bet ir knygotyros, dailėtyros specialistams, besidomintiems kartografija, sfragistika, heraldika, kitiems Lietuvos kultūros tyrinėtojams. Knygos vertingos ne tik savo tekstiniu turiniu. Svarbūs šaltiniai - knygų graviūros. Tai žemėlapiai, kuriuose pažymėta Lietuva, žymių žmonių ir knygų autorių portretai, Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės didikų ir valdovų herbai, genealogijos medžiai, istorinių scenų ir kitokie vaizdai. Knygotyrininkams įdomūs knygų nuosavybės ženklai: knygose yra įrašų, antspaudų, ekslibrisų, superekslibrisas. [Iš Įvado]

ENIn 2012, the National Museum of Lithuania started a series of exhibitions “The Museum and the Collector”. From September 2016 to January 2017, it hosted the exhibition “Collected and Preserved” presenting the collection of early Lithuanian sculptures and paintings of the lawyer, bibliophile and collector, dr. Jaunius Gumbis. It was accompanied by the catalogue Jaunius Gumbis’s Collection of Lithuanian Art. This time, the museum presents Gumbis’s collection of early books from Lithuania and related to Lithuania. According to the collector, his collection was inspired by a wish to preserve and present to researchers of Lithuanian history valuable sources of the history of Lithuania - books that are seldom found in Lithuanian museums and libraries. A large part of the exhibition consists of works by prominent Lithuanian authors prepared and published in Lithuanian or other European cities. There are several works by foreign authors containing historical information about Lithuania. The chronological frame of the exhibition ranges from the end of the fifteenth century, the early press period, to the twentieth-century interwar period. A gem of the collection is incunabula - the first printed books published in the fifteenth century. Their characteristic feature is that only the text is printed, and the empty spaces are filled with hand-drawn ornaments and illustrations. Later, printed illustrations of copper and wood engravings appeared. Among the incunabula, the German edition of The Book of Chronicles and Stories... (Das Buch der Chroniken unnd Geschichten...) by Hartmann Schedel, published in Augsburg in 1496, should be distinguished. It can be considered one of the first printed sources of Lithuanian history.The collection includes quite many palaeotypes - books published in the first half of the sixteenth century. These are two works published in Cracow in 1521: The Chronicle of Poland (Chronica Polonorujm]) by the chronicler and geographer Maciej Miechowita, illustrated with portraits of Polish and Lithuanian rulers, and a work in three parts On the Ancient History of Poland; On the Jagiellonian Family; On the Times of King Sigismund (De vetustatibus Polonorum liber I; De Jagellonum familia liber IT; De Sigismundi regis temporibus liber TH) by the secretary to the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund the Old, historian Jost Ludwig Decius, as well as one of the first descriptions of the Battle of Orsha on 8 September 1514, The Battle of the King of Poland with the Muscovites (Die Schlacht vo[n] dem Kunig von Poln. un[d] mit dem Moscowiter), published in Nuremberg in 1514, and other works. The collection boasts extraordinary books from Lithuania - four Latin, French, German and English editions of The Great Art of Artillery by the artillery engineer of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Casimir Siemienowicz (Kazimieras Semenavicius) of 1650, 1651, 1676 and 1729, as well as a collection of poetry Four Books of Verses (Lyricorum libri IV) by one of the most outstanding seventeenth-century Lithuanian poets who wrote in Latin, Matthias Casimirus Sarbievius (Motiejus Kazimieras Sarbievijus). [...].Each printed book is a unique source of information about its time. Early books are also an immensely rich treasury of culture. They are valuable not only in their textual content. These books can be viewed as artworks, their magnificent covers, design and engravings can be admired. Engravings found in the books also are important historical sources. Some of them - maps on which Lithuania is marked, portraits of famous people and book authors, the Sapieha family tree of the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, etc. - are presented in the catalogue. [From the publication]

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2024-07-24 21:20:12
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