Kauno meno mokyklos auklėtiniai - vizualaus Lietuvos istorijos naratyvo kūrėjai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kauno meno mokyklos auklėtiniai - vizualaus Lietuvos istorijos naratyvo kūrėjai
Alternative Title:
Students of the Kaunas school of art – creators of the visual narrative of Lithuanian history
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2024, t. 112 Menas moderniai šaliai moderniame mieste: Kauno meno mokyklai 100 = Art in a modern city for a modern state: celebrating 100 years of the Kaunas school of art, p. 21-52
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio problematika yra paremta išankstine įžvalga, kad bendrame tarpukario Lietuvos istorijos tematiką vaizduojančių kūrinių sraute Kauno meno mokyklos auklėtinių kompozicijos išsiskiria naujumu, meninių sprendimų originalumu. Todėl tiriama, kaip šios mokyklos atstovai įsitraukė į Lietuvos istorijos vaizdų kūrimą, kas juos paskatino imtis tokių temų ir kokį palikimą jie suformavo. Šaltinių analizė leido papildyti ikonografinę medžiagą naujais pavyzdžiais ir matyti platesnę tokių kūrinių panoramą, kurioje išryškėjo įvairaus meninio lygmens sprendimai – nuo rimtai ir profesionaliai atliktų kūrinių, matomų, atpažįstamų ir vertinamų visuomenėje, iki iliustratyvių naivokų kompozicijų, menkaverčių tapybinių kopijų, sukurtų pagal fotografinius pirmavaizdžius. Tyrimas leido išskirti gausiau į šios temos kūrybą linkusias absolventų kartas, pedagogų įtaką, taip pat ir platesnio socialinio, politinio bei kultūrinio konteksto poveikį jaunų kūrėjų pasirinkimams. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kauno meno mokykla, istorinio žanro dailė, Lietuvos istorija. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article aims to explore how students at the Kaunas School of Art contributed to the visual field of the newly constructed narrative of Lithuanian history during the interwar period of the Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940). It delves into the premise that in the given period, the students of this school produced remarkable artworks in the historical genre, characterised by their original thematic and artistic expression. The research focuses on a thorough examination of iconographic materials, archival documents, and contemporary press sources. The findings of the research reveal a broad and diverse panorama of Lithuanian historical imagery crafted by the students of the Kaunas School of Art. Despite the historical genre not being integrated into the teaching process and emphasized in the curriculum, the graduates applied their acquired professional skills to explore historical topics, discovering new narratives and new iconographic schemes, and trying to experiment in this genre and infuse it with the creative principles of modernism. Kazys Varnelis’s monumental painting compositions, which combine elements of constructivism and art deco, stand out as prime examples of renewal. In the field of graphics, Paulius Augius-Augustinavičius’s work shines with a vibrant expressionistic approach. Petras Tarabilda’s graphics, while somewhat more restrained, exhibit a diverse range infused with elements drawn from secession and art deco styles. Stasys Ušinskas and Adomas Galdikas were pivotal mentors who encouraged young creators to break free from the constraints of conservative realism or pseudo-academicism. While the influence of Stasys Ušinskas seemed obvious, the impact of Adomas Galdikas, who led the graphics studio and nurtured a cohort of interesting artists, gradually permeated the entire institution.Through the exploration of new works, reviewing of biographies, and analysis of the legacy of each generation, the significance of Adomas Galdikas’s personality, along with his invaluable advice and encouragement, became increasingly evident. In evaluating the thematic choices of young artists, it becomes obvious that they closely align with the narrative of Lithuanian statehood constructed by the political elite, which places significant emphasis on figures like Vytautas the Great, regarded as the uncrowned king of Lithuania, and the historical period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania up until his demise. This narrative extends to include the struggles for Lithuanian independence (1918–1920), events that remained vivid in the artists’ collective memory and were often depicted in their artworks. Keywords: Kaunas School of Art, history painting, Lithuanian history. [From the publication]

1392-0316; 2783-6843
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