Du vyrai smuklėje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Du vyrai smuklėje
Alternative Title:
Two men in a tavern
In the Book:
Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė: vyrai ir moterys / sudarytoja Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė. Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2022. P. 208-219. (XVIII amžiaus studijos ; 8)
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama valstiečių tema Pranciškaus Smuglevičiaus (Franciszek Smugletvicz, 1745-1807) kūryboje, aptariami reikšmingiausi šio pobūdžio kūriniai, išlikę Lietuvos ir Lenkijos rinkiniuose. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama kompozicijoms, vaizduojančioms du krokuviečius karčemoje. Atkreipiamas dėmesys, kad egzistuoja grupė panašios kompozicijos paveikslų, kurių dauguma priskiriama P. Smuglevičiui. Straipsnyje bandoma išsiaiškinti, kurie iš jų tapyti paties P. Smuglevičiaus, kuriuos reikia priskirti kopijoms ir kuo galima paaiškinti šios nedidelės kuklios kompozicijos versijų gausą. Aptarus krokuviečių valstiečių įvaizdžio pavyzdžius kitose XVIII a. pabaigos kultūros srityse, siūloma paveikslą Krokuviečiai smuklėje interpretuoti kaip alegorinį liaudies paveikslą su užkoduotu patriotiniu turiniu. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pranciškus Smuglevičius, Hugonas Kolontajus, Apšvietos epochos tapyba, valstietija mene, krokuviečiai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article addresses the theme of peasants in the work of Pranciškus Smuglevičius (Franciszek Smuglewicz, 1745-1807) and discusses the most significant works on this theme extant in the collections of Lithuania and Poland. Special attention is devoted to the compositions depicting two Cracowians in a tavern. It is noted that a group of paintings of a similar composition exists and most of them are attributed to P. Smuglevičius. In this article, an attempt is made to figure out which works were painted by P. Smuglevičius himself, which paintings should be attributed to copies, and how the abundance of versions of this small modest composition can be explained. A discussion of the examples of the image of Cracowian peasants in other fields of eighteenth-century culture revealed that, unlike P. Smuglevičiuss numerous earlier works on the peasant theme, Cracowians in a Tavern is not just a manifestation of his interest in the life and daily round of the third estate. This composition can be read as an allegoric painting that hides a generalised picture of the peasantry as an inseparable part of the nation under a “mask” of an everyday scene and a study of folk types. That is why it is not necessary to look for a portrait likeness or psychological characteristics in the images of the men depicted. The hidden meaning of these characters, as a generalised picture of the peasantry of the Republic of the Two Nations capable of rising up to fight for their rights and the freedom of their homeland, is revealed through the image of the peasants of the environs of Cracow as patriots ready to defend their homeland, which was spread at the end of the eighteenth century.P. Smuglevičius s images of the Cracowians are in a way related to the images of the patriotic people developed in popular operas of the time. These linkups may also explain the popularity of the painting, as evidenced by the large number of copies. It is proposed to interpret the painting Cracowians in a Tavern as an allegorical painting of the people, with an encoded patriotic content. Keywords: Pranciškus Smuglevičius, Hugo Kollątaj, painting of the Enlightenment, peasantry in art, Cracowians. [From the publication]

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