LTŠiame tyrime aptariami Vilniaus archyvuose ir bibliotekose saugomi rusėniški Lietuvos didžiųjų kunigaikščių Aleksandro Jogailaičio ir Žygimanto Senojo dokumentai, apimantys visą šių valdovų valdymo laikotarpį (1492-1544). Tuo metu valdovo kanceliarijos produkcija smarkiai išaugo, tad padaugėjo ir rusen7 kalba išduodamų dokumentų. Empirinis tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyve, taip pat Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Rankraščių skyriuje, Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos Retų knygų ir rankraščių skyriuje bei Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos Rankraščių skyriuje. Iš viso suregistruoti 142 minėtų valdovų rusėniški dokumentai. Jie bendrai aptarti pirmojoje darbo dalyje, o esminiai kiekvieno iš jų aspektai apibūdinti Priede. Esminiai žodžiai: Aleksandras Jogailaitis, Žygimantas Senasis, Vilnius, rusėniški dokumentai. [Iš leidinio]
ENVilnius archives and libraries hold a great abundance of manuscripts related to the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This study examines Ruthenian documents of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania Alexander Jagiellon and Sigismund the Old, covering the entire period of their rule (1492-1544). This chronological range was chosen as marked by an increased (in comparison with earlier times) production of the chancery of the Grand Duke. The empirical research was carried out at the Lithuanian State Historical Archives, the Manuscripts Department of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Rare Books and Manuscripts Unit of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, and the Manuscripts Division of the Vilnius University Library. In the course of the research, 142 Ruthenian documents of Alexander Jagiellon and Sigismund the Old were registered. The main criteria for their selection were as follows: 1) the documents were issued in the name of Alexander Jagiellon or Sigismund the Old; 2) they are written in Ruthenian; 3) they bear evidence of authentication such as the ruler's seal (or at the very least its traces) and (or) signatures of the ruler or his officials. The following data were registered to prepare the documents' descriptions presented in the Supplement: a) date or indiction of writing of the document; b) place of writing of the document; c) document's title given by the author of this work; d) document’s present location and signature; e) its physical condition; f) summary of its content; g) signatures; h) access to online digital images of the document, microfilms, previous publications of the document, its extant transcripts and descriptions. In the first part of the work, the documents of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania Alexander Jagiellon and Sigismund the Old are analyzed, and the collected data are statistically evaluated. Keywords: Alexander Jagiellon, Sigismund the Old, Vilnius, Ruthenian documents.