Lietuvos mokyklų lenkų ir rusų kalba mokinių kalbos vartojimo polinkiai ir kalbinės nuostatos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos mokyklų lenkų ir rusų kalba mokinių kalbos vartojimo polinkiai ir kalbinės nuostatos
Alternative Title:
Language use tendencies and linguistic attitudes of students in Polish and Russian schools in Lithuania
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2023.
178 p
Pratarmė — Įvadas — Lietuvių kalbos mokymo praktika tautinių mažumų mokyklose – mokytojų patirtis — Mokyklų lenkų ugdomąja kalba mokinių kalbos vartojimo polinkiai ir kalbinės nuostatos — Mokyklų rusų ugdomąja kalba mokinių kalbos vartojimo polinkiai ir kalbinės nuostatos — Išvados — Literatūra — Paveikslų sąrašas — Lentelių sąrašas — Summary – Priedai.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠioje mokslo studijoje, nagrinėjant dviejų tautinių mažumų – lenkų ir rusų – mokinių, lankančių mokyklas lenkų ir rusų ugdomosiomis kalbomis, kalbinę aplinką, kalbos pirmumo pasirinkimą ir kalbines nuostatas, siekiama giliau išanalizuoti mokyklos kalbos ir lietuvių kalbos sąveiką skirtingose kalbos vartojimo srityse, kalbinio elgesio ir kalbinių nuostatų ryšį, kalbos mokymosi veiksnius, padedančius sparčiau jiems išmokti lietuvių kalbą. Mokslo studijoje parodomas mokyklose lenkų ir rusų kalba besimokančių vaikų kalbinis paveikslas, pradedant kalbos vartojimo polinkiais ir baigiant kalbinių nuostatų ir mokymosi ryšiu. Šis leidinys naudingas tyrėjams, mokytojams, tautinių mažumų mokyklose besimokančių vaikų tėvams, švietimo ir kalbos politikos formuotojams. [Leidėjo anotacija]

EN[...] The aim of the study is to determine the areas of language dominance in everyday use, to analyze which language(s) students prefer in everyday life situations, to analyze the attitudes of students regarding the languages they use and their learning motivation. Considering the aim, the following objectives were set: 1) based on the survey of teachers, to discuss the peculiarities of Lithuanian language teaching and the factors determining the success of learning; 2) to study the students’ linguistic picture - language use in the family and language choice in relation to other languages in everyday life; 3) to examine linguistic attitudes in terms of language prestige, learning and linguistic identity. The empirical basis of the study is quantitative and qualitative data collected during the research in Polish and Russian language schools in primary and pre-gymnasium classes in 2021: 1) questionnaires filled out by teachers, 2) questionnaires filled out by students, 3) corpora of students’ written language. The study data were collected from different Lithuanian municipalities: Klaipėda, Šalčininkai, Vilnius, Vilnius district and Visaginas. The study participants were 3rd-8th grade students of Polish and Russian language schools and their Lithuanian language and literature teachers. A total of 564 students participated in the study, including 263 students from schools with the Polish language of education, 301 students from schools with the Russian language of education. Also, 40 Lithuanian language and literature teachers who worked in the classes of students who participated in the study: 32.5 percent of teachers from schools with the Polish language of education and 67.5 percent of teachers from schools with the Russian language of education.The study material consists of 1) questionnaires filled out by teachers, 2) questionnaires filled out by students and 3) corpora of students’ written language. Questionnaires intended for teachers consist of two parts: the first part contains general information about the classes they work in, their work experience in the school (years), the second part consists of 7 open questions about the Lithuanian language teaching. The teachers were asked to identify the most important problems they face when teaching the Lithuanian language to students in schools of ethnic minorities, and were asked to indicate which aspects of learning Lithuanian are the easiest for students and which are the most difficult. The teachers were asked what strengthens students’ motivation to learn Lithuanian, also, what help students need most during the Lithuanian language lessons. During the study, it was important to find out which teaching methods are the most effective in teaching Lithuanian as a second language. The first part of the questionnaire for students was dedicated to the general characteristics of the respondents - students’ age, gender, parents’ education, home language, learning achievements of languages and mathematics, and the remaining two - a questionnaire to assess the students’ language use tendencies, attitudes and their connections. The qualitative study material consists of written language corpora collected during the project from students’ essays written in the Lithuanian language. Children’s written language corpora consist of a total of 38,844 words, 564 works. In accordance with the protection of personal data, when digitizing the data, personally identifiable information was removed from all the works. Orthographically transcribed empirical material was collected as corpora of the written language of students learning in Polish (LMKR) and Russian (RMKR) educational languages.In the study, the research material is analyzed by combining qualitative and quantitative study data analysis methods. The research is based on qualitative analysis, and a quantitative evaluation method is used to evaluate the statistical indicators of the research material, as well as to substantiate trends and tendencies. In the study, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r.) was calculated to assess the relationship between the choice of language preference and linguistic attitudes of Polish school students. In the use and choice of priority over other languages by children educated in Russian, the Russian language prevails, therefore it was not purposeful to study the connections of the choice of different languages. The work is synchronous, analytical and descriptive. Quantitative data collected during the study were processed with Microsoft Office Excel electronic calculator. There were questions where students could mark multiple answers, in which case the sum of the data makes more than 100 percent. Analytical, interpretive and descriptive methods were used to study written language corpora. First of all, the sentences (including the adjacent contextual sentences) in which words with the roots kalb-, lietuv-, lenk-, rus- were extracted from the LMKR and RMKR corpora. After that, the selected illustrative examples of the corpus were grouped into semantic fields according to 1) the social and cultural context of language use: family, friends, school, residential area and 2) the area of language use: reception, production, interaction. Based on the illustrative examples of the corpus, the main areas of the sociocultural environment were distinguished, and all the illustrative sentences covering the family environment were selected. [...]. [From the publication]

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