Radviliškio priemiesčio istorija: Karčemų kaimas XVI-XVIII a.

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Radviliškio priemiesčio istorija: Karčemų kaimas XVI-XVIII a
Alternative Title:
History of Radviliškis suburb: Karčemos village in the 16th - 18th centuries
In the Journal:
Žiemgala. 2021, Nr. 2, p. 19-22
Karčemos; Šeduva; Radviliškis; Lietuva (Lithuania); 1569-1795. Lietuva ATR laikotarpiu; Socialinė istorija / Social history; Lokalioji istorija / Local history.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama Karčemų kaimo, esančio Radviliškio miesto paribyje, XVI-XVIII a. istorija, atskleidžianti tuometinius apgyvenimo procesus Šiaurės Lietuvoje. Tikslas: ištirti Karčemų kaimo genezę bei tolesnę jo raidą. Objektas: Karčemų kaimas XVI-XVIII a. Metodai: analitinis, aprašomasis, lyginamasis. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: karčema, Karčemų kaimas, Radviliškis, Šeduva, valstiečiai. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article analyzes the surviving village of Karčemos (inns), a village of a rare name in Northern Lithuania, on the outskirts of Radviliškis, revealing the settlement processes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The mentioned village appeared at the beginning of the 16th century as an intermediate “stop" for travelers from two towns: from Šiauliai and Šeduva. So it is no coincidence that in the village, where poor and sandy land prevailed, many inns were opened, which ensured the existence of this settlement. This village was affected by various demographic factors in the 16th to the 18th centuries (the population ranged from 40 to 400), and the Lithuanian-speaking community, which was united by strong kinship of the nobles (e.g. Paplonskiai), and possible immigrants from Livonia (e.g. Vokietaitis), the eastern lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (e.g. Ivaška) and settlers from neighboring villages. In the 16th-17th centuries, the influence of the people of Šeduva was clearly felt in the village: the land was occupied by Šeduva “prudes”, the townspeople and the painter who lived here at that time, as the settlement belonged to Šeduva rural district and parish. From the second half of the 16th century, with the growth of the recently emerging town of Radviliškis, inns gradually lost its original purpose. Finally, at the beginning of the 18th century, the influence of the people of Radviliškis was already felt in the village, it remained a kind of “suburb” of Radviliškis. And in the second half of the 18th century, when the Poni- atovsky parceled out the estate of Šeduva, the village became part of the private Verduliai manor. Probably such belonging of the village to the mentioned three different administrative formations determined that it did not become a part of Radviliškis. Thus, this village revealed another unusual fragment of the history of settling in Northern Lithuania. [From the publication]

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