ENThis paper aims to explore and compare the introduction and implementation of competence-based approaches in initial VET and higher education, as well as in the reforms of the national systems of qualifications in Lithuania and Estonia. This comparison involves analysis of the historical context of development of competence-based approaches in the initial VET and professional education, exploration of the focus on competence approaches, as well as reviewing the development of competence-based national systems of qualifications and National Qualifications Frameworks in Lithuania and Estonia. Competence served as the core concept and background for the curriculum reforms in the initial VET and higher education in both countries. The main differences of implementation of competence-based approaches in the reforms of VET and national systems of qualifications in both countries concern not so much methodological issues, but institutional settings having more unified, centralised and state-led approach in Lithuania and differentiated approach to competence-based qualifications and their subsystems in Estonia. [Publisher annotation]