The 1928 Lithuanian-Finnish provisional trade agreement: between expectations and opportunities

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
The 1928 Lithuanian-Finnish provisional trade agreement: between expectations and opportunities
In the Book:
100 years of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Finland / Kari Alenius & Saulius Kaubrys (eds.). Rovaniemi : Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys : Societas historica Finlandiae septentrionalis, 2022. P. 91-102
Ekonominė istorija / Economic history; Politinė istorija / Political history; 1918-1940. Lietuva tarpukario metais; Lietuva (Lithuania); Suomija (Finland).
Summary / Abstract:

ENBased on the available fragmented, unpublished documentary information, Lithuanian press publications, and factual information, to partially reconstruct the circumstances and context of the agreement in question. The secondary aim of the research is to compensate for the partial lack of attention by the Lithuanian historiography to the development of economic relationship between Lithuania and Finland, which often remains in the shade of the presentations on bilateral cultural and political relationships and their dynamics. Analysis of Lithuanian press publications shows that the agreement in question did not stir a greater debate, whereas the discussion of trade relations prior to the signing of the agreement was, it seemed, of an episodic, accidental nature. [Extract, p. 91]

2024-06-11 19:11:14
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