Great Britain’s Baltic policy and Lithuanian-Finnish relations, 1918-1925

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
Great Britain’s Baltic policy and Lithuanian-Finnish relations, 1918-1925
In the Book:
100 years of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Finland / Kari Alenius & Saulius Kaubrys (eds.). Rovaniemi : Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys : Societas historica Finlandiae septentrionalis, 2022. P. 75-90
Politinė istorija / Political history; 1918-1940. Lietuva tarpukario metais; Lietuva (Lithuania); Suomija (Finland).
Summary / Abstract:

ENThis article draws upon primary sources, located in the Lithuanian Central State Archives, The Public Record Office in London as well as on published archival documents and memoirs. The method of the critical analysis of primary historical sources was applied in the article. The end of 1918 when Germany was defeated and Great Britain got actively involved in the geopolitical processes in the eastern Baltic was selected as the starting point of the research. In the meantime, the end of the world war opened new opportunities for Finland and in particular the Baltic states to escape from their geopolitical dependence on Germany and to seek support for their statehood in London. In fact, to highlight the formation of the British Baltic policy principles and the shift in Lithuania’s international situation, the opening chronological boundary was occasionally crossed. The year 1925 when the transformation of Britain’s Baltic policy became especially evident after the signing of the Locarno Treaties was the closing chronological boundary of the research. The position that British interests in the eastern Baltic region had to be commercial rather than political by nature became firmly entrenched in London. [Extract, p. 76]

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