Granica mazowiecko-litewska do 1569 roku. Kształtowanie się, rola społeczna : disertacija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Granica mazowiecko-litewska do 1569 roku. Kształtowanie się, rola społeczna: disertacija
Alternative Title:
Masovian-Lithuanian border until 1569. Formation, social role
Publication Data:
Białystok, 2020.
1 pdf
Daktaro disertacija (humanitariniai mokslai) - Baltstogės universitetas, 2020. Bibliografija.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe dissertation consists of four parts that covers two main thesis statements. The first two chapters refer to the analysis of the historical sources about formation of the Mazovian-Lithuanian border until 1444. The concept of the border was divided geographically into two sections: northern and southern. The northern part of the border was created as a result of the fall of Yatvingia, whereas, the southern was developed during the times of Rus. What is more, the southern fragment was later taken over by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Mazovian-Lithuanian border was formed as a consequence of the political activity of the rulers of Mazovia and Lithuania, but also Polish, Ruthenian and Teutonic Knights. Equally, this thesis will widely explore the concept of social issues. It is presented in the third chapter, which focuses mainly on the analysis of the law according to which the Mazovian-Lithuanian border should have been shaped at the local level. Not to mention the fourth chapter that presents the fact how this formation process actually looked like. Conclusions are based on the preserved sources taken from Mazovian court books, in the period covering the second half of the 15th century until the Union of Lublin, which changed Polish-Lithuanian inter-state border to the internal border of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. [Publisher annotation]

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