ENThe paper presents directly dated evidence of microlithic and blade pressure technology from the newly discovered Žingiai Stone Age site situated in eastern Lithuania. During its extensive excavations in 2017–2018, numerous features containing typologically discerned lithic material and datable organic were uncovered. One feature, in particular, No. 11, contained preserved fragments of animal bones and wood charcoal. Its lithic inventory consisted of flint scrapers, burin, inserts, lanceolates and semi-conical core. Three AMS 14C dated charcoal samples, identified as Pinus sylvestris L., found in the feature was assigned to 8475–8223 cal BC, whereas their stratigraphical positions and estimated potential old wood effect enabled to relate this new radiochronology to lithic finds. The research allowed to shed new light in the discussion on the use and chronology of microliths, and the replacement of tanged point technology with microlithic implements at the beginning of the Mesolithic. Keywords: Early and Middle Mesolithic, AMS 14C data, pressure technique, microlithic technology, Kunda culture, eastern Lithuania. [From the publication]