LTDaktaro disertacija skirta beišsenkančiam kultūros paveldo moksliniam diskursui papildyti, orientuojantis į urbansitikos ir architektūros paveldo problematiką. taikaint ir adaptuojant naratyvo teoriją yra svarstoma mitinė ir diskursyvioji kultūros paveldo kaip fenomeno prigimtis. Todėl paveldas kaip fenomenas yra suvokiamas kaip naratyvinis procesas savyje talpinantis ir protui nepagavią mitinę dimensiją, tuo tarpu paveldosauga, siekianti institucializuoti paveldą yra grynai diskursyvios prgimties. Naratyviniu požiūriu, paveldo objekto vertė atsiskleidžia gebėjimwe lemti bendrųjų disciplinų procesus, dalyvauti šiuose procesuose priimant sprendimus, tuo tarp diskursyvioji paveldosauga imperuoja vien tik vizualinio-materialinio autentiškumo sampratą. [eLaba ETD]
ENThe need for this dissertation stems from some hidden peculiarities of the discourse we do have as heritage. On the one hand, the field of cultural heritage as well as other disciplines related with heritage is really plentiful. Nowadays, cultural heritage is being operated as simple authorized practice; Bandarin and van Oers state (2012:188) that the policy makers and city authorities still perceive historic urban landscape as a separate district that looks extracted from the holistic city life and development.Thus the final thesis of this PhD paper is intended to suggest an alternative framework for heritage perception and reception. The framework is based on a narrative theory whose application to heritage studies is fragmented in both contexts – that of the Western World and the context of Lithuania as well. The use of the theoretical framework of the narrative will allow us to look at the urban architectural heritage phenomenon outside of the inner discourse, to evaluate the idea of heritage and its directions in a different light. [eLaba ETD]