Institutes of trauma re-production in a borderland: Poland, Ukraine, and Lithuania

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
Institutes of trauma re-production in a borderland: Poland, Ukraine, and Lithuania
In the Book:
Constructions and instrumentalization of the past: a comparative study on memory management in the region / editor Ninna Mörner. Stockholm: Centre for Baltic and East European studies, CBEES, Södertörn University, 2020. P. 55-68. (CBEES state of the region report ; 2020)
Kolektyvinė atmintis / Collective memory; Politinė sistema / Political system; 1990-21 amžius. Antroji Lietuvos Respublika; 20 amžius; Baltarusija (Belarus); Lenkija (Poland); Lietuva (Lithuania); Ukraina (Ukraine).
Summary / Abstract:

ENOver the past few decades, we have observed a new trend across Europe: “memory laws,” aimed at regulating the writing of history. In several countries these have been accompanied by governmental organizations set up to shape, form and police what is referred to as “national memory.” This phenomenon is prevalent in those states of east-central Europe, where signifcant eforts have been vested in controlling the representation of Soviet and Nazi legacies. This essay focuses on one transnational space, the former eastern borderlands of interwar Poland, known as Kresy Wschodnie, a region exposed to some of the most brutal aspects of both National Socialist and communist rule. The area is now part of four independent states: Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. This essay aims at discussing some of the problems associated with the legislated “national” memory in those countries. It is intended as a cursory overview of some of the institutions and some key issues, to be further explored in the hereafter following contributions from each of those four countries. [Extract, p. 55]

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