Lietuvoje įtvirtintas konstitucinio skundo institutas kaip žmogaus teisių apsaugos įrankis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvoje įtvirtintas konstitucinio skundo institutas kaip žmogaus teisių apsaugos įrankis
Alternative Title:
Constitutional complaints in Lithuania as a tool for the protection of human rights
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2022.
302 p
Įvadas — I. INDIVIDUALUS KONSTITUCINIS SKUNDAS EUROPOJE: NUO SUSIFORMAVIMO IKI ŠIUOLAIKINIŲ IŠŠŪKIŲ. I.1. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo samprata ir paskirtis — I.2. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo įsitvirtinimo raida — I.3. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo modeliai — I.4. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo instituto vieta konstitucinių teismų įgaliojimų spektre — I.5. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo vieta nacionalinėje ir tarptautinėje žmogaus teisių apsaugos sistemoje — I.6. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo institutui tenkantys iššūkiai — II. LIETUVOJE ĮTVIRTINTAS KONSTITUCINIO SKUNDO MODELIS: DABARTINĖ BŪKLĖ IR EFEKTYVUMO DIDINIMO GALIMYBĖS — II.1. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo instituto įtvirtinimo iniciatyvos Lietuvoje: argumentai „už“ ir „prieš“ — II.2. Individualus konstitucinis skundas Lietuvos konstitucinės justicijos proceso struktūroje — II.3. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo modelio elementai: II.3.1. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo pagrindas (galimas asmens teisių ir laisvių pažeidimas); II.3.2. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo objektas; II.3.3. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo subjektai; II.3.4. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo pateikimo sąlygos (filtrai); II.3.5. Individualaus konstitucinio skundo išnagrinėjimo padariniai; II.3.6. Specifiniai procesiniai Lietuvos individualaus konstitucinio skundo modelio elementai — Išvados — Summary — Šaltiniai ir literatūra.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje siekiama sistemiškai išanalizuoti, ar Lietuvoje pasirinktas individualaus konstitucinio skundo modelis užtikrina, kad šis institutas būtų veiksmingas žmogaus teisių apsaugos įrankis, t. y. ar jis atitinka Lietuvos visuomenės ir teisinės bendruomenės lūkesčius, teisinės sistemos galimybes, Europos valstybių tendencijas, identifikuoti probleminius šio modelio aspektus ir pateikti siūlymų, kaip būtų galima tobulinti jį įtvirtinantį teisinį reguliavimą, bei rekomendacijas dėl kitų priemonių, galinčių užtikrinti šio instituto efektyvumą. Ši monografija yra pirmasis mokslo darbas, kuriame visi Lietuvos konstitucinio skundo modelio elementai analizuojami kompleksiškai, neapsiribojant tam tikrais konstitucinio skundo modelį sudarančiais institutais, tačiau sistemiškai analizuojant visą modelį: nuosekliai aptariant konstitucinio skundo pagrindą, konstitucinio skundo objektą, konstitucinių skundų nagrinėjimo subjektus, konstitucinių skundų pateikimo sąlygas (filtrus), konstitucinio skundo išnagrinėjimo teisinius padarinius ir specifinius procesinius konstitucinio skundo elementus. Knygoje nagrinėjama konstitucinio skundo samprata ir paskirtis, konstitucinio skundo įsitvirtinimo raida, konstitucinio skundo modeliai, šio instituto vieta kitų konstitucinių teismų įgaliojimų spektre, konstitucinio skundo vieta nacionalinėje ir tarptautinėje žmogaus teisių apsaugos sistemoje, konstitucinio skundo institutui tenkantys iššūkiai Europos valstybėse. [Anotacija knygoje]

EN[...] The object of this research is to assess the effectiveness of the Lithuanian constitutional complaint model. In order to assess the current constitutional complaints model as comprehensively and accurately as possible, it also examines in detail such issues as the concept and purpose of constitutional complaints, the development of the constitutional complaints, the models of constitutional complaints, the place of this instrument in the spectrum of powers of other constitutional courts, the place of the constitutional complaints in the national and international system of human rights protection, and the challenges facing the institution of constitutional complaints in Europe. Without considering these aspects, it is impossible to assess the effectiveness of national constitutional complaints model. The aim of the research is to systematically analyze whether the Lithuanian model of constitutional complaints ensures that this instrument is an effective tool for the protection of human rights, i.e. whether it is in line with the expectations of the Lithuanian society and the legal community, with the potential of the legal system, and with the trends in the European states; to identify the problematic aspects of the model, and to make proposals on how to improve the legal regulation establishing the model, as well as to provide recommendations on other measures to ensure the effectiveness of this institute.In order to realize the set aim, the research raises and solves the following tasks: 1. To analyze the evolution of the formation and spread of constitutional complaints, its concept and typology, its place in the spectrum of powers of other constitutional courts and in the system of protection of human rights, as well as the challenges to the implementation of this institution and the possibilities of their solution in the European countries. 2. To examine the circumstances in which the constitutional complaint model was chosen and established in Lithuania. 3. To analyze the place of the instrument of constitutional complaints in the structure of the constitutional justice procedure in Lithuania. 4. To consistently discuss all the elements of the chosen constitutional complaints model (and the practice of its implementation): the grounds for a constitutional complaint; the objects of constitutional complaints; the subjects of constitutional complaints; the conditions (filters) for submitting a constitutional complaint; the legal consequences of the examination of a constitutional complaint; the specific procedural elements of a constitutional complaint. This monograph is the first scholarly work in which all elements of the Lithuanian constitutional complaint model are analyzed in an integrated manner, not limiting the analysis to individual institutes constituting the constitutional complaint model, but systematically analyzing the entire model. In this research the model of the constitutional complaints is analyzed by systematically examining not only the legal regulation (existing and proposed to be introduced; Lithuanian one and regulation of other states), but also the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as of the ECtHR and the jurisprudence of constitutional courts of other European states.The novelty of this research is also based on the fact that the information for this study was gathered during internships in foreign constitutional courts (Slovenian, Hungarian). The study concludes that, given that less than three years have passed since the instrument of the constitutional complaints was established in the Lithuanian legal system, it is still too early to confidently summarize that the expectations of the public and the legal community with regard to the establishment of an effective tool for the protection of the constitutional human rights have been fully fulfilled. However, it can already be stated that the introduction of this mechanism has been a significant step in strengthening the protection of human rights in Lithuania. The first years of its operation reveals that the fears that have delayed the introduction of this legal remedy for so long have not been confirmed: although the workload of the Constitutional Court has increased, there is certainly no evidence that the Constitutional Court is overburdened with constitutional complaints; the Court‘s normal activities have not been disrupted; constitutional justice cases continue to be heard at a regular pace, and the average time taken for considering constitutional complaints cannot be described as excessive. The Constitutional Court has not yet adopted many rulings in cases initiated by constitutional complaints. However, the fact that some of these rulings declare legal acts unconstitutional shows that this instrument can be used to protect the constitutional rights of natural and legal persons and, at the same time, to remove from the legal system the provisions of legal acts that are unconstitutional. [...]. [From the publication]

9786090707616; 9786090707623
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