ENThe article discusses a double-volume travelogue titled "Wycieczki po Litwie w promieniach od Wilna" seen as both a literary and educational text. Special attention has been placed on the parts of the book that focus on the multiculturality of the region. The author attempts to find answers to the questions about how Syrkomla depicted multiethnicity, multiculturality and multilingualism of the Vilnius region (Wileńszczyzna) in the mid-19th century. The study presents the portraits of different ethnic and religious groups (e.g. the Poles, Lithuanians, Ruthenians, Russians, Jews, Tartars and Karaites), along with certain linguistic issues found in the book under analysis. Key words: Władysław Syrokomla, travelogue, multiculturality, Lithuania, Vilnius region, 19th century. [From the publication]