Civilizacinis karas: tarp Rusijos įsakymo vertikalės ir Ukrainos organizacinės horizontalės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Civilizacinis karas: tarp Rusijos įsakymo vertikalės ir Ukrainos organizacinės horizontalės
Alternative Title:
Civilisational war: between the vertical of Russian order and the Ukrainian organisational horizontal
In the Book:
Rytai-Vakarai: komparatyvistinės studijos. 15 / sudarytojas ir mokslinis redaktorius Antanas Andrijauskas. Vilnius: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2022. P. 143-160, 471-472. (Culturology)
In the Journal:
Kultūrologija [Culturology]. 2022, t. 21, p. 143-160, 471-472
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje klausiama: ar 2022 metais vasario 24 dieną prasidėjusi plataus masto karinė agresija prieš Ukrainą yra civilizacinis karas ties Vakarų ir Rusijos civilizacijų lūžio zona? Teigiama, kad Rusija daugiau yra įsakymo vertikalės, o Ukraina įstatymų horizontalės kultūros. Šiuolaikinių politinių ir kultūrinių organizacijų veikla, ypač kalbant apie horizontalias pilietines organizacijas, yra stipresnis civilizacinis reiškinys nei religija, tačiau priklauso nuo autonominių organizacijų veiklumo ir dalyvaujančios demokratijos realumo, nuo tiesioginio veiksmo kultūros, horizontalios komunikacijos, o ne tik nuo valdžios aparato ir politinio elito patirties. Straipsnyje daugiausiai diskutuojama su S. Huntingtono civilizacijų susidūrimo teorija. Raktažodžiai: įsakymo vertikalė, įstatymų horizontalė, politinių organizacijų raida, civilizacinis karas, S. Huntingtonas, komunikacinė visuomenė. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article asks: is the large-scale Russian military aggression against Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, a civilized war at the breaking point of Western and Russian civilizations? It is argued that Russia is more of an order of vertical, and Ukraine of laws of horizontal culture. The activities of modern political and cultural organizations, especially horizontal civic organizations, are a stronger civilizational phenomenon than religion, but depend on the activities of autonomous organizations and participatory democracy, a culture of direct action, horizontal communication. Horizontal forms of democrasy less depends on the experience of the government and political elite. The article focuses on S. Huntington s theory of the clash of civilizations. The Polish-Lithuanian- Ukrainian civilization was not formed due to the aggression of the Russian, Austrian-Hungarian and Prussian empires, the colonial actions of Russia and the totalitarian regime of the USSR. An important feature of the Republic of the Two Nations was not only the nobility democracy, but also the horizontal self-government and political organization, which was uniquely adapted and developed in Ukraine by the Cossack organizations. Differences in civilizations until the twentieth century were largely driven by religious factors, and political organizations were secondary. In the twentieth century, cultural factors are becoming the decisive factor in many countries, rather than religious ones, and in the 21st century, communicative factors of equal importance to culture and politics are becoming decisive. Communication activities have enabled the involvement of many citizens in political and civilizational action, the change of their communicative minds and visions of modernization, and the emergence of horizontal political and even military organizations.Communication activities have enabled the involvement of many citizens in political and civilizational action, the change of their communicative minds and visions of modernization, and the emergence of horizontal political and even military organizations. The horizontal political organizations of civil society that emerged during the Maidan revolutions of 2004 and 2013-2014, the exalted principles of freedom and selforganization and the rule of law, clearly contradict the mechanisms of vertical and centralization of power that have taken hold in historical and present-day Russia. Therefore, the war of 2022 is civilizable, and it is characterized not only by the civilizational division of Russia and Western Europe, but also by the peculiar horizontal civil worldview of Ukraine. In addition to extensive cultural actions and initiatives, it has matured into territorial defense forces that actively cooperate with, compete with, and control the centralized voluntary battalions and other voluntary paramilitary and paramedical organizations. Keywords: vertical order, horizontal law, development of political organizations, civilizational war, S. Huntington, communicative society. [From the publication p. 471-472]

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