LT2016–2017 m. LNM archeologų grupė Vilniaus Aukštutinės pilies aikštelėje, Pilies (Gedimino) kalno ŠV šlaite bei Senojo arsenalo kieme (UK 141) atliko archeologinius žvalgymus ir detaliuosius tyrimus. 2016–2017 m. žiemą vykdyti tyrimai buvo susiję su kalno šlaitų tvarkybos darbais. Jų metu pilies aikštelėje aptikti penki 1863–1864 m. sukilėlių kapai. 2017 m. vasarą toliau tyrinėta, siekiant surasti visų galbūt ant kalno palaidotų sukilėlių palaikus. Aukštutinės pilies aikštelės centrinės dalies V pusėje ir kalno ŠV šlaite buvo atlikti archeologiniai žvalgymai ir detalieji tyrimai. Žvalgymai vykdyti 2016 m. pabaigoje, UAB "Geotestus" specialistams atliekant inžinerinius geologinius tyrimus. Gręžiniais nustatyta, jog aikštelės centrinės dalies V pusėje yra susiformavęs apie 2 m storio kultūrinis sluoksnis, kalno ŠV šlaito viršutinėje dalyje, 1,5–3,3 m atstumu nuo 1995 m. atkurtos pilies aptvarinės sienos-apie 2,25–3,21 m storio, o šlaito viduryje-apie 1,05 m storio supiltinio pobūdžio kultūrinis sluoksnis. Žvalgant radinių neaptikta. 2017 m. aikštelės centrinės dalies V pusėje ištirtos perkasos 1–3, iš viso 124,5 m2 plotas, fiksuotas 0,6–2,85 m storio kultūrinis sluoksnis, aptikta 11 1863–1864 m. sukilimo dalyvių kapų. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 617-618]
ENIn 2017, trenches 1–3 (a total of 124.5 m2 ) were excavated on the W side of the enclosure of the upper castle in Vilnius. A 0.6– 2.85 m thick cultural layer with three horizons (second half of the 20th century, 1830s first half of the 20th century, and preliminarily 18th century–1831) and a fieldstone building foundation preliminarily dated to the 18th century–1837 were found. Eleven burials with 17 participants in the 1863–1864 uprising against Tsarist Russian imperial rule, including uprising leaders Konstatinas Kalinauskas and Zigmantas Sierakauskas, were discovered and excavated at the investigation site. According to archival data, 21 insurgents were executed, 9 by firing squad, 12 by hanging, in Lukiškės square, Vilnius, during 1863–1864. The investigation determined that the individuals had been interred without coffins, 1–3 individuals per pit, some in irregular positions from being thrown in, some with their hands tied behind their backs. In excavating the remains, small cloth fragments, metal, mother-of-pearl, and bone buttons, buckles from trouser belts and braces, and small scraps of leather footwear were discovered near them. Personal items were found near almost all of the remains: Catholic crosses and medals with religious images and inscriptions and other personal items. Cast lead bullets were discovered near three remains.Under the 1830s second half of the 20th century horizons, two layers of fine rubble were discovered in a pit dug into the natural soil, and under them, a dense layer of construction rubble (fieldstones, stones, and brick fragments) covered with clay. The precise date when these layers were created was not determined but the maximum chronological boundaries are the 18th century–1831. Considering that no signs were detected of a structure having been erected on this debris layer like on a foundation, the conclusion was drawn that the layer of construction debris was created to reinforce the enclosure. In 2017, 10.5 m2 were excavated on the E side of the central part of the Upper Castle’s enclosure and a 1.8–2.6 m thick cultural layer from the 1830s first half of the 20th century was recorded. The investigation was conducted at the site, according to archival drawings, of the 1831–1878 powder cellar of the tsarist fortress. The roughly 1.2–1.4 m cellar entrance, which was reinforced with roughly 20 cm thick wooden beams, a fragment of the plank floor, and sherds of 19th century household pottery were discovered. [From the publication]