Kun. dr. Juozapas Stankevičius

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kun. dr. Juozapas Stankevičius
Alternative Title:
Priest dr. Juozapas Stankevičius
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2022, 14, 1, p. 154-167, 282, 296
Summary / Abstract:

LTKunigo dr. Juozapo Stankevičiaus išskirtiniu biografijos faktu galima įvardyti tai, kad jis 1917 m. Vilniaus konferencijoje atsisakė vietos Lietuvos Taryboje, nors buvo išrinktas. Kitas svarbus faktas – jis buvo pirmas lietuvis studentas neseniai įkurtame Fribūro universitete Šveicarijoje. [Iš teksto, p. 154]

ENPriest Dr. Juozapas Stankevičius studied at the Seinai Seminary of Priests and pursued higher education at the University of Friborg in Switzerland. He was the first Lithuanian student at this university. Thus, he discovered a path that was later used by a number of Lithuanian students. The biography of Priest J. Stankevičius is closely connected with the city of Suvalkai, or more precisely with the gymnasiums of that city, where since 1903 he was a teacher of religion in boys’ and girls’ gymnasiums. He was also an organizer of Lithuanian cultural life in Suvalkai. He was one of the organizers of the Suvalkai Lithuanian Society and the chairman of its first Board. During the First World War, Priest J. Stankevičius settled in Vilnius and lived there until his death. Here he became involved in the political and cultural activities of Lithuanians, and wrote several documents. The most important step of Priest J. Stankevičius’ political activity was that he was elected to the Council of Lithuania at the Vilnius Conference, but when the Social Democrats declared that too many right-wing representatives and priests were elected to the Council, he withdrew from the Council in favour of the left-wing representatives. [From the publication]

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