Tautos dvasios atspindžiai vandenvardžiuose

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tautos dvasios atspindžiai vandenvardžiuose
Alternative Title:
Reflections of the national spirit in water names (hydronyms)
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2022, 14, 1, p. 64-86, 276-277, 290-291
Summary / Abstract:

LTŽvelgdami per visus archeologijos įvardijamus materialinės ir dvasinės kultūros raidos etapus – paleolitą, mezolitą, neolitą, metalų amžius ir mūsų istorinius laikus, galime labiausiai priartėti prie mūsų krašto hidronimų kilmės paslapčių. [Iš straipsnio, p. 64]

ENLooking at all the stages of the development of material and spiritual culture named by archaeology, i.e. the Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic, the Neolithic Age and our historical times, we can get closer to the mysteries of the origin of the hydronyms of our country. We can claim that the middle of the Mesolithic and the end of this period, i. e. approximately 6000-7900 years ago, is the beginning of the emergence and formation process of the hydronyms for rivers, lakes, and swamps, which was stimulated by the achieved level of cultural civilization. Surely, for the sake of precision, it must be mentioned that the hydronyms may have originated even when reindeer hunters stopped following deer herds but hunted them. It is estimated that between 8000 and 9000 years ago or even before, there was a common Proto-Indo-European language, which gradually divided into Probalts and other narrower branches of the Proto-Indo-European languages, i.e., into dialects. Therefore, we can assume that about 2000 years after the beginning of the more intense formation of hydronyms, the Probalt dialect had enough time to evolve into the Western Baltic dialect.A bright and unique Pamariai culture was formed on the seaside, starting its origins in the early Middle Neolithic period and, reaching its prosperity in the 4th - 3rd millennium BC., in the late Neolithic period, the Western Balts began to stand out with their Pamariai culture, which, under the influence of other cultures, transformed into the culture of the burial mounds in the late Bronze Age. Three areas of the Western Balts began to stand out in this culture about 900-750 BC.: the Prussians (in the narrow sense), the Galindians, and the Sūduvians. The Balts-Prosthuvians-Galindians are the godfathers of the Vysla River. What is unique is that the Vysla is probably the first hydronym from a large river of the Baltic origin in the Baltic cultural territory which dates back to ancient times. The Sūduvians and the Galindians not only recorded the Vysla in the history and maps of the European antiquity, but also left their mark on the ethnonyms in the European spaces. [From the publication]

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