LT„Okupacinė kariuomenė Lietuvoje“ - tai pirmoji studija, kurioje remiantis anksčiau nepublikuotais archyviniais šaltiniais visapusiškai nagrinėjamos sovietinės okupacinės armijos buvimo Lietuvos teritorijoje sąlygos, santykiai su sovietinės Lietuvos valdžia 1945-1990 m. ir nepriklausoma Lietuva 1990-1991 m. Knygoje įvertinami įvairūs veiksniai, daugiau ar mažiau turėję įtakos sovietinės Lietuvos valdžios ir Pabaltijo karinės apygardos santykiams, aneksuotos Lietuvos išteklių naudojimas kariniams poreikiams patenkinti. Atskleidžiamos pagrindinės tendencijos ir principai, kaip karinės organizacijos veikė vietinės valdžios (kolaborantų) sprendimus (ir priešingai) ir kaip sovietinė Lietuvos valdžia, disponuodama jai suteikta kompetencija, sąveikavo su karinėmis struktūromis. [Anotacija knygoje]
ENThe influence of Soviet army and the relations between armed forces and local authority in Lithuania has not been fundamentally investigated. Historiography of Western countries usually emphasizes the relations between Soviet army and communist party not researching the relations between Soviet army (usually occupation army) and local authorities. The novelty of research is also determined by absence of study concerning the influence of occupation army in Lithuania. The subject of research includes the dynamic of relations between Soviet army in Lithuania and local authority and the status of occupation army. The study of relations between the Soviet Lithuanian Government and the Baltic Military District appeals to numerous archival materials and reveals the basic tendencies of relations and the changes of Soviet army’s status Lithuania retrieving its independence. The influence on annexed Lithuania was implemented via military and governing institutions. Throughout the occupation, the Soviet army was striving for dominance in Lithuania; the Party was establishing military doctrine, developing armed forces and applying various strategies. Innovative Soviet technologies resulted in slightly changing their plans. According to the Soviet doctrine, new military facilities were being created (including nuclear ones) as well as expansion of armed forces or, in some cases, liquidation of certain military units. The Soviet Union was concerned about possible Allied attacks with probable use of nuclear weaponry, thus, they were preparing for war.The Soviet confederates, including Lithuania, were to accomplish special preparation plans. The Soviet Lithuanian Government was obliged to arrange roadways, air-ports, convoys. One important thing is that these arrangements were done with the use of local resources and funds; military matters were prior, whereas all other issues, including and civilian, were of minor importance. One of the primary objectives of the Soviet Lithuanian Government was to provide living-space for Soviet soldiers. Orders regarding this subject were sent directly from Moscow. In order to follow the instructions, the Soviet Lithuanian Government expanded construction and introduced the so called “10 percent“ or “tithe“ apartment fee. As it has been already mentioned, military matters were on top of everything else, consequently, the Soviet Lithuanian Government encountered difficulties in supplying houserooms for common inhabitants. In 1955-1956 and 1960-1962 the consequences of military reform were the Governments responsibility. This led to intense relations between the Party and the military. Soviet’s success in strengthening the army in the mid 1950s, had reflections in social affairs as well. Moscow was constantly sending orders to guarantee settlement and employment for Soviet retirees. In 1946-1959 the Government encountered several resource problems, but rapid urbanization process led to numerous accommodations that satisfied Moscow’s requirements. In the mid 1970s there was another crisis with housing, resulting in additional tension between Lithuania and the Baltic Military District. The tension was caused by new changes in the Soviet doctrine.After reduce of number of Soviet army influenced another wave of retirees. Local authority was again obliged to cope with large amount of soldiers requiring settlement. Solving this problem Soviet Lithuania Government had to expand the amount of constructions and provide soldiers with accommodation at the expense of local residents. Obviously, the local people were abused once again. The Soviets demanded permission for territorial expansion of military units, building special objects and wood-cutting. However, there was no cooperation with the Baltic Military District, they were only giving orders. In the year 1945-1957, the Soviet Union allocated vast areas of land for military purposes. Since 1953 the the Baltic Military District starve to settle juridical documents concerning the territory passed to its authority for military uses. Relations between the Soviet Lithuanian Government and the soviet army in the sphere of land assignations had no united model. In 1963-1986 period takes place a substantial change in relations - increasing number of rejections to satisfy military’s requests. The consumption of Lithuanian forests by military was one of the factors that influenced the changes in relations between the Baltic Military District and Lithuanian local authority. The forests were mishandled, wood-cutting uncontrollable. Seeing this problem, the Soviet Lithuanian Government demanded rights to control and take care of this sphere. Nonetheless, military organizations had the dominant position in Lithuania. Namely control of forests exploitation was the sphere, where soviet Lithuanian authority expressed a particular position to regard soviet Lithuanias economical interests. [...]. [From the publication]