Sūduvos krašto etninių žemių susigrąžinimo 600-ųjų metinių sukaktis. Istorijos pamokos

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sūduvos krašto etninių žemių susigrąžinimo 600-ųjų metinių sukaktis. Istorijos pamokos
Alternative Title:
600th anniversary of the recovery of ethnic land in the country of Sūduva. History lessons
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2022, 14, 1, p. 16-63, 275-276, 289-290
Summary / Abstract:

LTSūduvos kraštas patyrė daug įvairių dvasinių ir teritorinių skriaudų. Beveik kiekvieną kartą jam buvo primetami vis nauji vardai, jis buvo atplėšiamas nuo kitų Lietuvos žemių. Jei vadovausimės dalybų logika bei dalytojų primestiniais vardais, ilgainiui galime prarasti etninius krašto pamatus – lietuvių tautos etnogenezės pagrindus bei istorinę jos atmintį, o tauta be atminties negali kurti savo ateities. 2022 m. rugsėjo 27 d. sukanka 600 metų nuo Melno taikos sutarties pasirašymo ir Sūduvos krašto žemių sugrąžinimo į Lietuvos suverenitetą. Prieš 600 metų Melno taikos sutartyje pirmą kartą buvo juridiškai apibrėžtos Sūduvos krašto ir valstybės išorinės sienos. Vakarinė sienos dalis su Karaliaučiaus sritimi, mažai pakitusi, aktuali ir šiais laikais. [Iš teksto, p. 58]

ENThe Grand Duchy of Lithuania, led by the Grand Duke Vytautas, together with Poland, in the first half of the 15th century reached the peak of its power, which was crowned by the victory of the Žalgirio mūšis (the Battle of Grunewald) with the consolidation of its results twelve years later in the Melnas Peace Treaty on September 27 in 1422. According to the treaty, the Order was forced to return most of the Sūduva’s lands and almost all of Žemaitija (Samogitia). The borders of the returned Sūduva lands with the state of the German Order were named in the treaty, and they became the state border of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Sūduva region has suffered many different spiritual, and territorial abuses and divisions throughout its history. They took place many times and almost every time new names were imposed on it by strangers, the country was torn from other Lithuanian lands for a long time, and in the course of history foreign names began to be found, e.g. the name of the province Suvalkija created by the tsar. However, if we follow the logic of division and the imposed names of the invaders, in the long run we may lose the ethnic foundations of the country, i.e. the foundations of the ethno genesis of the Lithuanian nation and its historical memory, and the nation cannot create its future without memory. On September 27, 2022, it will be 600 years since the signing of the Melnas Peace Treaty and the return of the lands of the Sūduva region to the sovereignty of Lithuania. It is known that, during the six centuries of history, huge historical, creative and destructive processes took place in the world, in Europe and in the state of Lithuania.As a result, new nations and states were formed, state borders changed, but the Lithuanian nation, thanks to its deep ethnic culture, has survived for more than 100 years as it restored its state, and the western part of the state border with the Russian Federation has little changed since the Melnas Peace Treaty times. The western border of the Sūduva region named in the treaty is a part of the current state border of the Republic of Lithuania, at the same time the treaty states that these are the lands of Sūduva, which belong to the Principality of Lithuania. The entire territory from the named state border with the Karaliaučius area to the east of the Nemunas is the territory of the state of Lithuania, and, according to the current territorial administrative division, this territory is divided between the municipalities of Marijampolė, Kaunas, and Alytus Counties. Thus, Sūduva, its land, its ethnic name of the land did not disappear. The land of ethnic Sūduva is flourishing in that area, albeit in a sharp decline. [From the publication]

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