LTVedybų giminystė, arba gentystė, svainystė, senovės lietuvių buvo labai vertinama ir pripažįstama. Tai - santuokos pagrindu susiformavęs žmonių bendrumas. Jos centras - sutuoktinių pora - vyras ir žmona. Per jų suartėjimą susigiminiuoja didelė žmonių grupė ir jos įvairių ryšių siejamiems nariams pavadinti sukuriami specialūs pavadinimai (moša, laigonas, dieveris, jentė ir kt.). Šioje knygoje jie tyrinėjami, prikeliami iš užmaršties, aiškinamasi jų kilmė, raida, paplitimas, reikšmės bei ryšiai su kitomis kaimynų kalbomis. Autorė remiasi gausybe šaltinių - senaisiais mūsų raštais, žodynais, tautosaka, grožiniais kūriniais; be abejo, pasinaudota gausybe mokslo veikalų - mūsų ir kitų šalių šios srities tyrinėjimų. [Iš leidinio]
EN1. The vocabulary of affinity of the Lithuanian language consists of nearly 190 words, comprising 50 designates. More than half of the whole number of the affinitive terms designate spouses and various hyponimic concepts: a husband married into the wife's household, a partner of a repeated marriage, a woman married to a widower, etc. This subgroup of the system of affinitive terms (AT) is characterized by a wide range of synonymy and a great stylistic variety; this fact is doubtlessly connected with the characteristics of the denotative sphere (the special role of the marriage partner in a person's life, the variety of the forms of marriage partnership).The rest of ATs (about 90 words) comprise 37 concepts. The core of the old Lithuanian AT system consisted of the 2nd degree affinity terms (šẽšuras, anýta, dieverìs, móša, úošvis, úošvė, láigonas, sváinė (AC type), martì, žéntas (CA type), as well as the words representing the ACA type of the 3rd degree, thet designate the marriage partner of a sibling of the same sex of the marriage partner (jentė 'wife of the husband's brother', sváinis 'husband of the wife's sister'). Other types of the 3rd degree affinityterms - CCA, CAC, ACC - as well as the conceptsof the ACA type designating the marriage partner of the different sex sibling of the marriage partnerwere (and are) not everywhere and not regularly linguistically differentiated; the present names of these concepts are of later origin. These are either (1) derivatives produced according to the model of consanguinity terms, using their derivational affixes and derivational meaning (e.g. dieverėnas, dieveráitis 'son of dieveris', dievérėčia 'daughter of dieveris', svainėnas 'son of svainis' according to the model of brolėnas, brólaitis 'son of brolis', seserėnas 'son of sesuo', seserėčia 'daughter of sesuo', etc.).(2) words derived by means of the suffixes -ienė (in the Žemaičių dialect -ėnė) and -inas, which are usul while creating names of the opposite sex partner of a man or animal (e.g. avýnienė, brotainíenė, dėdíenė, pùsbrolienė, láigonienė, svainíenė, švogeríene; tetìnas, tetùtinas, bobùtinas just like kãtinas 'male cat', ãvinas 'ram', žąsinas 'male goose', etc.; (3) rare isolated derivatives (e.g. marčiãbrolis); (4) loanwords (names of 2nd degree CAC type concepts 'father or mother of a child's marriage partner', svõtas, svočià, borrowed from the Salvs and known in this meaning only in the dialects of East and South Aukštaičiai). There are yet more regional differences with regard to the linguistic differentiation of affinity concepts: only the Žemaičių dialect has a special collective name for the husbunds kinfolk his wife is obliged to show respect to (nūlanka, aplankà - confer the verb lenktis 'to bow'); in certain places of Žemaitija neologisms have been created to express former affinity (dėdbuvis, dėdėnbuvė, švogérbuvis, brolíenbuvė). 2. According to origin it is possible to classify the vocabulary of affinity into several chronological layers. The oldest Indo-European At layer is represented by the terms šẽšuras, dieverìs, jentė, i.e. three out of the eight reconstructable terms of the Proto-Indoeuropean system of affinity terms [...]; this indicates the ancientness of the Lithuanian AT system. The terms výras, pàts, patì, having counterparts in many IE languages, should also be considered old. The Baltic-Slavic layer of AT includes bóba and žéntas (the latter being probably even older: its presumptive cognates may be discerned also in other groups of languages).The words common for Baltic languages martì and móša acquired the function of Ats only in separate Baltic languages (the older meaning of martì is 'bride', while that of móša most likely is 'mother's sister'). Anýta can only conditionally be considered an affinity term common to Lithuanian and Prussian: the earlier, the unsuffixed form preserved in Prussian designnated only consanguinity. Only the East Baltic leyer of affinity terms can be distinguished more strictly: it is represented by úošvis, úošvė and sváinis, sváinė, introduced into the East Baltic languages to designate the wife's kin. With respect to the IE system of Ats the linguistic differentiation of this group of concepts was an innovation. it should be noted that the newly introduced terms for the wife's sister and the husband of the wife's sister in the East Baltic and East Slavic languages were produced according to the same principle (from a pronominal root) and possess an identical motivation of 'one's own'. Beside the above mentioned words that are synchronically non-derivative, the East Balts share several common derivatives (užkurys, preikuras, dieveríenė, mošėnas). Words of ancient root having no direct counterparts in other languages láigonas, našlys, šeirys are to be attributes to the group of the specific old Lithuanian ATs, the so-called neologisms of the Lithuanian language. The rest of the indigenous affinity terms include words that acquired the function of Ats in later times. This group comprises: 1) ATs originating in the soil of Lithuanian language at variuos times out of words not belonging to the group, and caused by semantic development; 2) various recent formations. The oldest 'semantic neologisms' are the words of the old literature mótė, brosė, draũgas, draugalà, drauguolis, etc.; examples of the later ones are žmonà, žmogùs. [...]. [From the publication]