LT2017 m. rugpjūčio-spalio mėnesiais atlikti archeologiniai tyrimai Kėdainiuose, šalia sklypų Dvaro g. 18, 21 ir Kranto 2-osios g. 11 (nuo Džiazo gatvės pusės). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 316]
ENDuring a field evaluation at Dvaro st. 18 and Dvaro St. 21 in the city of Kėdainiai, two 1.5 x 1 m test pits (a total of 3 m2 ) were excavated and a gas service line trench (5 m2 ) was monitored. The test pits were excavated down to natural soil at a depth of 55-78 cm (test pit 2, Dvaro St. 21) and 85-92 cm (test pit 1, Dvaro st. 18). A 20th century cultural layer with isolated 16th/17th-19th century finds was recorded in test pit 2. A watching brief was conducted (1.3 m2 ) on the periphery of the plot at Kranto 2–osios St. 11 (Džiazo street side). A 60-65 cm thick cultural layer with construction rubble and 16th/17th-20th century finds was discovered under a roughly 50 cm thick fill layer of sand and crushed stone. The earthwork went down to natural soil, which was reached at a depth of 1.32 m. It was determined that the cultural layer horizon recorded at a depth of 50-70 cm had formed in the 19th first half of the 20th century and contained isolated 16th/17th-18th century finds. A cultural layer horizon dating to the 17th-18th centuries was recorded from a depth of 70 cm to 1/1.1 m and contained isolated 19th century potsherds and brick fragments, which are likely to have ended up there through later digging. No finds were discovered in the dark grey soil with clay loam recorded from a depth of 1-1.32 m down to natural soil. [From the publication]