LTŽvelgiant į dvasinį ir psichologinį konsultavimą, jų procesus, konsultavimo procese dalyvaujančių žmonių savybes, problemas ir poreikius, galima įžvelgti abiejų šių nematerialios pagalbos teikimo būdų panašumų, kartu ir esminių skirtumų. Kitaip ir negali būti, nes abu pagalbos būdai traktuojami kaip konsultavimo rūšys. Kartu verta pastebėti, kad vieno konsultavimo metu dėmesys labiau krypsta į dvasinius dalykus, kitu – sprendžiamos žmogaus psichologinės problemos. Psichologas atlieka žmogaus atspindžio vaidmenį, žmogaus gerovę sieja su aktyviomis psichologinėmis pastangomis padėti sau, tuo tarpu dvasinis konsultantas savo veikloje vien tik psichologija ir jos taikomais metodais bei žiniomis neapsiriboja, stiprybės ieško dvasinėje tikrovėje. Pažinęs pagalbos metodų taikymo skirtumus ir panašumus, pagalbos ieškantysis galės rinktis. Šiame straipsnyje aptariami dvasinio ir psichologinio konsultavimo, kaip pagalbos kenčiančiajam būdų, skirtumai ir sąsajų taškai. Nors konsultavimo praktika užsiimantys specialistai pasitelkia tuos pačius ar panašius profesinius konsultavimo įgūdžius, svarbu pastebėti ir esminius skirtumus, išskirti vertybes, kuriomis vadovaujasi tiek dvasinio, tiek ir psichologinio konsultavimo praktikomis užsiimantys specialistai. Norint pagrįsti dvasinio ir psichologinio konsultavimo atskirumą bei tapatumą, straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti minėtų pagalbos teikimo būdų esmę, prasmę, skirtumus bei sąsajų taškus. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: dvasinis konsultavimas, psichologinis konsultavimas, skirtumai, panašumai, psichologas, dvasinis konsultantas. [Iš leidinio]
ENThe purpose of this article is to discuss the differences and points in common between spiritual and psychological counselling. By delving into the process of spiritual and psychological counselling, it is possible to identify several similarities and differences between them. To begin with, there are aspects that provide a similarity with these counselling methods. It is understandable that it is not realistic to enumerate all the identical and distinguishing characteristics and points in common, but the essential elements that allow us to feel the similarities between spiritual and psychological counselling are emphasised before moving on to the differences. Both spiritual and psychological counselling are oriented towards providing support to individuals in complex moments of life, addressing psychological, spiritual and emotional needs. The methods of providing assistance, problem-solving approaches, values that connect the counsellor and the client, and the actual process of assistance, may differ in these counselling practices. However, in both forms of counselling, an honest, compassionate and professionally competent specialist aims at a common goal: to help the individual feel better in a crisis situation. Therefore, in both spiritual and psychological counselling, the aim is to help individuals address their emotional difficulties. During counselling, the focus is on promoting positive personal growth, and changes in the emotional, spiritual and psychological aspects of the individual. The concept of spiritual counselling intersects with the concept of psychological counselling when the assistance provided by specialists is oriented towards individuals experiencing crises or internal traumas.Despite the similarities, these counselling models are considered and practised as distinct methods of providing assistance, guided by the different goals, values and attitudes of the assistance providers and those seeking help. Spiritual counselling can be understood as spiritual and psychological support for individuals during challenging phases of life, when the focus is more on existential questions, and the aim is to help address spiritual crises while adhering to Christian beliefs. On the other hand, psychological counselling is perceived as psychological assistance provided by a professionally trained counsellor, based on scientifically supported methods, to individuals dealing with everyday difficulties and experiences. Having acquainted ourselves with the concepts of spiritual counselling and psychological counselling, and how these processes are understood by both the authors writing on this topic and the practising assistance providers, we can identify points of connection and differences between these methods of assistance. It can be seen that during both forms of counselling, the aim is to help the person experiencing emotional difficulties, with the primary difference being the matter of faith and religious questions, which serve as a basis for both the choice of the specialist and the issue or crisis situation for which one seeks counselling. In psychological counselling, the consulting specialist relies on the principle of solving psychological problems, while in the case of spiritual counselling, the element of faith, the counsellor’s value system, and adherence to moral principles during the process of counselling, are emphasised. Keywords: spiritual counselling, psychological counselling, differences, similarities, psychologist, spiritual counsellor. [From the publication]