Semeniškių senovės gyvenvietė ir pilkapynas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Semeniškių senovės gyvenvietė ir pilkapynas
Alternative Title:
Semeniškiai old settlement and barrow cemetery
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2018, 2017 metais, p. 142-149
Summary / Abstract:

LTSemeniškių senovės gyvenvietė (UK 17192) yra Kernavės archeologinėje vietovėje (UK 37320), Pajautos slėnio P dalyje (Širvintų r., Kernavės sen.). Iš Š pusės ją riboja Kernavėlės upelis, iš V – Neris, iš R – aukštesnė trečioji upės slėnio terasa. Gyvenvietę 1989 m. aptiko A. Luchtanas (ATL 1988 ir 1989 metais, 1990, p. 193–196). Tuomet ši teritorija buvo ariama. Ataskaitoje minima, kad kairiajame Kernavėlės krante kasti šurfai. Aptiktas 60–80 cm storio I tūkst. I puse datuojamas kultūrinis sluoksnis, grublėtosios keramikos, šlako. Žvalgant taip pat surinkta įvairių laikotarpių radinių – akmens ir žalvario amžiaus titnaginių dirbinių, I tūkst. I pusės brūkšniuotosios ir grublėtosios keramikos, geležies šlako, taip pat XVI–XIX a. kaimavietei priskiriamos keramikos bei monetų. [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 142]

ENAn excavation (a total of 100 m2 ) was conducted at Semeniškiai old settlement (Širvintos District, East Lithuania). Isolated mesolithic and bronze age flint artefacts and small flint flakes were found. It was determined that the cultural layer from the second half of the 2nd–4th century had been ploughed. Four objects ascribable to that period: pits with no clear purpose as well as sherds of late brushed, early rough, and burnished pottery, clay daub, and slag were discovered. The charcoal found in a rough pottery deposit was AMS dated to 82–234 (95.4%). Sherds of late partly thrown and hand thrown pottery were likewise discovered in the plough layer. The earliest partly thrown pottery can be dated to the 13th-14th centuries. One barrow, which had apparently been completely flattened by long ploughing, was excavated. The barrow’s ditch, which surrounded the entire perimeter of the former mound, was distinguished from the natural soil by its dark grey colour. The ditch was 7.5 m in diameter measuring from the outside edges, 0.5–1.1 m wide, and up to 40 cm deep. The remains of a destroyed stone kerb were found in the ditch. A 5th century male cremation that had been dug about 20 cm into the natural soil was discovered in the centre of the former mound and AMS dated to 380–537 (92.9%) (Poz-95526). The grave goods consisted of a shield boss, a handle, an axe, a knife, and a small buckle. [From the publication]

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