LTJutonių (Dubingių) (UK 3199) pilkapynas yra apie 8 km į R nuo Dubingių miestelio, kelio Dubingiai-Joniškis P pusėje (Švenčionių r., Pabradės sen.). Pilkapynas turi dvigubą pavadinimą, pirmąjį gavęs nuo artimiausio kaimo, o antrąjį – nuo miško pavadinimo. Iki šiol pilkapynas tyrinėtas 1939 (KPC PB, f. 1, a. 1, b. 101, p. 164), 2000 (ATL 2000 metais, 2011, p. 80–81) ir 2012 m. (ATL 2012 metais, 2013, p. 149–153). 2016 m. pradėti nedidelės apimties archeologiniai tyrimai tarpuose tarp pilkapių (ATL 2016 metais, 2017, p. 127–129). Pilkapynas užima pailgą Š–P kryptimis 9,7 ha plotą, kurį išilgai kerta miško keliukas. 2017 m. tyrimai vykdyti pilkapyno P dalyje, abiejose miško keliuko pusėse. Ištirtos trys 5x2 m dydžio žvalgomosios perkasos ir vienas 2x1 m dydžio šurfas (bendras 32 m2 plotas). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 140]
ENJutonys (Dubingiai) barrow cemetery (Švenčionys district, East Lithuania) occupies a 9.7 ha, N-S oblong area. In 2017, the investigation continued between the barrows in order to check whether isolated finds and cremated human bones are also found at other locations in the barrow cemetery. The investigation was conducted in the S part of the cemetery. Three 5 x 2 m trial trenches and one 2 x 1 m test pit (a total of 32 m2 ) were excavated. During the investigation, grey sand with small pieces of charcoal, small pieces of cremated bones, and several finds were recorded under the forest floor. Four 5-6.4 mm diameter glass beads with a very small hole through the centre were discovered. All of them were somewhat deformed from heat and had fused together. They date to the 9th–13th centuries. Part of a coil bead made of very thin copper alloy wire, several fused pieces of bronze, and small potsherds were also found. Charcoal found during the investigation was AMS dated to date of 604±45 bp, 1290–1413 cal. ad. [From the publication]