Amžių pėdsakai Lauksodžio bažnyčioje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Amžių pėdsakai Lauksodžio bažnyčioje
Alternative Title:
Signs of ages in the church of Lauksodis
In the Book:
Žiemgala / sudarytojas ir atsakingasis redaktorius Vytautas Didžpetris. Kaunas : Žiemgalos leidykla, 1999. P. 141-146
Summary / Abstract:

LTMasyvi, monolitinė, bebokštė, su aukštu vidurinės navos ir žemesniais šoninių navų stogais Lauksodžio bažnyčia gerokai skiriasi nuo kitų Lietuvos šventovių. Ne visai įprastas ir erdvus jos vidus su plačiomis antrojo aukšto galerijomis, kuriose telpa daug tikinčiųjų. Pastatyta jėzuitų 1751 m. ir skirta neseniai kanonizuotam jų ordino šventajam - Aloyzui Gonzagai, ji pakeitė vos keturis dešimtmečius Lauksodyje stovėjusią nedidelę šv. Petro ir Povilo bažnytėlę. [Iš straipsnio, p. 141]

ENThe massive, monolithic and without towers church of Lauksodis differs rather much from other Lithuanian buildings for worshipping. The Jesuits built this church in 1751, and it was dedicated to the canonized saint of their Order. It replaced a little church of Saints Peter and Paul that stood there for four decades. In the church’s interior though rather modified during the restoration of the building at the end of the 19th century there still retained more than one original work of art. That is, first of all, a pulpit of a moderate shape where the painting created by a gifted professional was applied in the place of the rustic woodcarving decorations. There are six altars in the church made in the 18th—19th centuries. The luxuriant little altar for the processions decorated with new pictures of the Virgin of Conception St. Mary is of the 17th century. In the past the church of Lauksodis must have had a lot of works of great artistic value. The rococo sculpture of the Resurrected Christ- one of the most beautiful works of this kind in Lithuania -is attributed to them. The old church of Lauksodis is still waiting for exhausted historical studies that would reveal more than one secret of this place of worship. [From the publication]

2024-11-30 16:32:34
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