Iš Joniškio miesto mokyklų istorijos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Iš Joniškio miesto mokyklų istorijos
Alternative Title:
From the history of Joniškis schools
In the Book:
Žiemgala / sudarytojas ir atsakingasis redaktorius Vytautas Didžpetris. Kaunas : Žiemgalos leidykla, 1999. P. 105-129
Summary / Abstract:

LTPirmosios mokyklos Joniškyje atsiradimas sietinas su Lietuvoje XVI a. plitusiu Vakarų Europos humanizmu, didėjančia reformatų įtaka. Katalikiškoji Vilniaus kapitula 1528 m. išleido Statutą, reikalaujantį, kad kiekvienoje parapijoje prie bažnyčios būtų ir mokykla, paskyrė mokyklų reikalams scholastą ir per keliolika metų įsteigė Lietuvoje nemaža parapinių mokyklų.1530 m. pradėjo veikti irJoniškio parapinė mokykla, aprašyta M. Valančiaus knygoje "Žemaičių vyskupystė". [Iš straipsnio, p. 105]

ENA primary school established in Joniškis according to the statute of the Vilnius Capitulum opened in 1530. The 17th century data about Joniškis School did not remain. It is known that pupils attended it in 1769. There is more material of the 19th century when Lithuania was under the dominion of the tsarist Russia. It is also known that during the period of 1804—15 approximately 45 pupils attended the school in Joniškis and they were taught by one teacher. They were taught obligatory subjects and the Lihuanian language. The primary school in Joniškis was one of the biggest schools in Šiauliai region and it outnumbered even the schools of the town of Šiauliai for some years. In 1903 there took place the first secret performance. Only after 1910 the first teachers Lithuanians started to teach there. Besides the district school there were established two "lower" primary schools in Joniškis: the School for girls and "Saulė" (Sun) Society School. On October 11,1909 there was setup a school establishment committee. Stanislovas Goesas made a present of a plot of land for school building. However, the World War I stopped the work. After war in 1918, the Lithuanian school was opened again.In the end of 1918 a permission to establish a school in Joniškis was received by the efforts of the society.At first it was the so called secondary school, and later on a progymnasium. The latter was opened on September 1,1919. Balys Žygelis was appointed its first director. In 1925, the Council ofthe district set up a committee for building a new school. The school was built in the given by S. Goesas plot of land (2.2 ha). The inauguration of the school took place on June 18, 1933. Since September 1, 1936 the school became Joniškis State Gymnasium and was of two trends: with the Latin language and with intensified teaching of mathematics and natural sciences. The life of schools in Joniškis changed in 1940. The schools and the teachers were affected by repressions. The World War II started and it stopped the sovietisation of the schools. Hard lot fell also on those who studied during the years of the Nazi occupation because the occupants were not interested in the affairs of Lithuanian education and culture. The nearing front in 1944 dispersed the teachers too. Some of the teachers and pupils went west, and the others continued their work under the post-war conditions. [From the publication]

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