Eponiminiai aprangos terminai "Aiškinamajame aprangos terminų žodyne"

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Eponiminiai aprangos terminai "Aiškinamajame aprangos terminų žodyne"
Alternative Title:
Eponymous clothing terms in "Aiškinamasis aprangos terminų žodynas" (Explanatory dictionary of clothing terms)
In the Journal:
Terminologija. 2023, 30, p. 122-141
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjami Stanislovo Algimanto Ratauto, Eugenijos Strazdienės ir Ados Gulbinienės parengtame "Aiškinamajame aprangos terminų žodyne" (2014) rasti eponiminiai aprangos terminai. Remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio kalbininkų darbais, aptariama eponimo ir eponiminio termino samprata, minimi dažniausi eponiminių terminų trūkumai ir privalumai. Daroma išvada, kad nors eponiminiai aprangos terminai yra gana reti, tačiau jie papildo aprangos terminiją ir yra labai svarbūs, kai kuriais atvejais – vieninteliai aprangos sąvokų pavadinimai. Daugiausia rasta antroponiminės ir toponiminės kilmės aprangos terminų. Vyrauja iš vyriškų pavardžių kilę terminai. Eponiminiai aprangos terminai yra visateisiai terminai greta neeponiminių terminų. Esminiai žodžiai: eponiminis terminas, eponimas, aprangos terminas, metonimizacija, onimas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe eponymous terms of various fields (anatomy, physics, chemistry, architecture, etc.) are being increasingly analysed in the works of Lithuanian linguists. According to the works of Lithuanian and foreign scholars, eponymous clothing terms are clothing terms that are derived from names. The article analyses the eponymous clothing terms in "Aiškinamasis aprangos terminų žodynas" (2014; Explanatory Dictionary of Clothing Terms) compiled by Stanislovas Algimantas Ratautas, Eugenija Strazdienė, and Ada Gulbinienė. These terms make up only about 1.4 per cent of all clothing terms. The majority of eponymous clothing terms (about 75.5 per cent) are only the names of concepts (angoros vilna, bekešas, bleizeris, bliukeriai, Brauno diržas, diufelis, džersis, gabardinas, galifė, gibsonai, Heseno batai, Jėzaus sandalai, kašmyras, kembridžai, kerza, etc.). The rest of the eponymous clothing terms researched are used as synonyms alongside more terminologically accurate clothing terms (bliukeriai, bouleris, derbiai, kokas, oksfordai, stetsonas, etc.). The dictionary mainly contains eponymous terms based on anthroponyms (names, surnames, nicknames) and toponyms (names of cities, countries, islands, etc.). A separate group consists of terms derived from symbolic names.Eponymous clothing terms take up an important place in Lithuanian clothing terminology. Creating terms from names is one of the possible and, as the research results show, rare and complex ways of naming a concept. Although they are terminologically imperfect concise names of clothing concepts, in certain cases eponymous clothing terms, especially one-word terms, are the only traditionally used clothing terms in Lithuanian clothing terminology. The emergence of these terms in the field of clothing is primarily determined not by linguistic (shortness, economy, prevalence, permanence), but by extralinguistic factors, such as the desire to name the individuals who created, invented, started producing, or popularised certain clothes or their details, the desire to honour certain persons associated with specific geographic areas where the clothes were created, popular, or common. In general, eponymous terms can be considered signs of respect, scientific discovery, recognition of a particular person’s contribution, or simply a result of cultural exchange. Keywords: eponymous term, eponym, clothing term, metonymisation, onymus. [From the publication]

1392-267X; 2669-2198
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