Geranoriškumas būdvardžio geranoriškas, -a formų pagrindu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Geranoriškumas būdvardžio geranoriškas, -a formų pagrindu
Alternative Title:
Benevolence based on the forms of the adjective benevolent (Lith. geranoriškas, -a)
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio straipsnio objektas – būdvardis geranoriškas. Tikslas – remiantis Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno (DLKT) publicistikos medžiaga išsiaiškinti būdvardžio geranoriškas semantiką dabartinėje lietuvių rašytinėje kalboje. Laikantis nuomonės, kad žmogaus elgsenos pagrindas yra jo nuostatos, ir išanalizavus 800 DLKT pavyzdžių, kuriuose pavartotos įvairios būdvardžio geranoriškas formos, paaiškėjo, kad geranoriškumo ištakos – pasyvi pozityvi geranorio nuostata (norintis gero, jaučiantis simpatiją, pritariantis savo viduje), o rezultatas – aktyvi pozityvių geranorio nuostatų išraiška žodžiu ar kitu veiksmu (linkintis gero, pritariantis veiksmu). Tyrimas parodė, kad kalbančiojo pasirinkta morfosintaksinė kito raiška rodo aktualizuotus skirtingus būdvardžio geranoriškas reikšmės aspektus. Remiantis įvairiomis būdvardžio geranoriškas formomis geranoriškumas, apimantis nemaža teigiamų žmogaus savybių, suvokiamas kaip duotybė, galinti kisti gyvenime. R e ikš m i n iai žod ž iai : būdvardis geranoriškas, geranoriškumas, semantika, žodynas, tekstynas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article addresses benevolence on the basis of the forms of the adjective benevolent (Lith. geranoriškas), juggling between a structural and a cognitive approach to its meaning in reliance on 800 examples of published materials available in the Corpus of the Modern Lithuanian Language (Lith. Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstynas, DLKT) by the Centre for Computational Linguistics of the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. The study has revealed that benevolence is rooted in the passive positive attitude of someone who is benevolent (a well-wishing, sympathising, internally approving, benevolent mind-set), its outcome being an active expression of the benevolent one’s attitude with a word or some other act (a well-wishing, actively approving, benevolent word of a person). Depending on what the focus is and what is brought to the centre of the stage of the lexeme benevolent, a particular meaning (or a shade of meaning with its inherent morphological- syntactic expression) of the adjective in question is made relevant for the purposes of speech. The morphologic-syntactic expression of the other as chosen by the speaker (I) indicates the different shades of meaning of the adjective benevolent that have been made relevant, such as well-wishing, sympathising, internally approving resp. well-wishing, actively approving; state resp. act; benevolent towards others resp. benevolent to, or with others. The state of benevolence to the other I is highlighted with the construction of towards, and the benevolent act to the other, with the dative or the construction of suInstr.Benevolence directed to the other as expressed with the forms of the adjective benevolent may be made relevant grammatically and/or lexically as duplex (cf. benevolent to the other resp. benevolent towards one another; (a) benevolent greeting, assistance resp. benevolent cooperation, discussion). The inherent benevolence that a person receives as a gift from God in the course of their life may be prone to shift. A person who is benevolent to themselves may also be (and is) that way towards everything else (and in their immediate surroundings – with their family, friends, neighbours – first and foremost). As someone who is moral, honest, open, polite, welcoming, tolerant, empathic, caring, helpful, a benevolent person is a willing and selfless giver who helps both any individual who may be in need of some material assistance or just low on spirits, and the society in general. Benevolence is the inner harmony, health, and happiness of a benevolent person that is born out of love and gives joie de vivre to someone else for free; in other words, it is a boon. Keywords: adjective benevolent, benevolence, semantics, construction, dictionary, corpus. [From the publication]

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