Klasta lietuvių leksikografiniuose šaltiniuose: sisteminių duomenų analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klasta lietuvių leksikografiniuose šaltiniuose: sisteminių duomenų analizė
Alternative Title:
Treachery ‘klasta’ in Lithuanian lexicographical sources: analysis of systematic data
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis išsamia leksikografinių duomenų (definicijų, iliustracinių sakinių, sinonimų, antonimų, derivatų, frazeologizmų ir kolokacijų) semantine ir etnolingvistine analize, siekiama parodyti, koks kalbinis ir kultūrinis klastos (kaip antivertybės) vaizdas įsitvirtinęs lietuvių kalbos pasaulėvaizdyje, kaip lietuvių kalboje suvokiama ir vertinama klasta, kokie jos stereotipiniai bruožai išryškėja ir yra priskiriami sinonimiškai susijusiems žodžiams: suktybė, apgaulė, intriga, pinklės ir kt., kaip šios sąvokos kito bėgant laikui. Tyrime remiamasi Liublino etnolingvistinės mokyklos įkūrėjo Jerzy’io Bartmińskio kalbos pasaulėvaizdžio rekonstrukcijos metodologija. Daugiausia dėmesio straipsnyje skiriama leksikografinių duomenų analizei, bet pasitelkiami ir kiti sisteminių duomenų šaltiniai: Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenynas, Lietuvos Respublikos terminų bankas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: klasta, vertybė, antivertybė, kalbos pasaulio vaizdas, leksikografija. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe opposition of values and anti-values exists and acts as a constant struggle between good and evil. Therefore, axiology is concerned with both positive and negative values. This article discusses a fairly common anti-value (or negative value) that is common in community life – treachery. The article aims to show, based on a detailed semantic and ethnolinguistic analysis of lexicographic data (definitions, illustrative sentences, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives, phraseologies and collocations), the linguistic and cultural image of treachery (as an anti-value) that is entrenched in the Lithuanian language worldview, how treachery is perceived and evaluated in the language, which of its stereotypical features are most revealed and assigned as synonymously related words: suktybė ‘cunning’, apgaulė ‘decept’, intriga ‘intrigue’, pinklės ‘scheme’ and other, and how these concepts have changed over time. The study is based on the premises provided by the representatives of the Lublin Ethnolinguistic School: statements about a certain object entrenched in the language must be selected from different language sources, i. e. different linguistic material is used for research. According to the methodology of this school of linguistics, systemic data, namely lexicographical data, are the most important for the reconstruction of the worldview of language.The research tries to find out: 1) whether the data of Lithuanian lexicographic sources allow reconstructing the lexical-semantic field of treachery that reflects the structure of this concept, to present the features of the meaning that people mean when using the word klasta in a specific context; 2) to compose fragments of the image of man encoded in Lithuanian dialect dictionaries into a whole (semantic categories) and to formulate a cognitive definition of the concept of klasta. Analyzing the data of Lithuanian lexicographic sources it was established that the lexeme klasta is used in various parts of lexicographic articles: 1) as the title word in lexicographic articles; 2) in definitions and illustrative sentences; 3) in the illustrations of articles of other words; 4) in terminological, phraseological compounds and paremias. After analyzing the data of lexicographic sources, the fragments of the image of the lexeme klasta were composed into a whole, i. e. semantic categories, and a cognitive definition was formed. The analysis of the above data shows that treachery is not only unacceptable to society behaviour and an expression of such behaviour, relevant to all stages of society, but is also a significant part of the interpretation of the worldview of language. Keywords: treachery, value, anti-value, linguistic worldview, lexicography. [From the publication]

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